Hazuki is easily one of the most mature and real character I've ever seen in BL manga. He handles his feelings, both love and pain wonderfully. He accepts himself for who he is. Keep the beautiful memories, move on, and grow.
I legit cried at the part which the section chief took him to dinner out of worries. It shows, when almost everyone at work cares more about the 'cool' guy, there will always be a person who hold you dear, who cares for you more than anyone.
It's nice to see Watanabe suffers and worked to redeem himself, but I know he got away too easily, even Hazuki realised it's because he's still in love with him. And the nabe guy doesn't even become a really decent man either. he only half-redeemed himself. that's the only disappointing thing here
Almond o Nanatsubu