Don't Pick Up the Soap
Don't Pick Up the Soap Summary: 2 sexually confused men met each other one day in a Men's BathHouse. One day, Ben's father suggested him to a meditation in that famous bath house bcs it will do him wonders and useful thinking, so he thought why not give it a try. Upon going there, he just wanted to take a bath, but ended up being rammed in by a complete stranger, somehow, it felt good and he was actually longing for it. He didn't know that it was one of the Men's Bathhouse doing, Dick. On Dick's side of the story, he was surprised when that customer came in the morning. He brushed off that idea and thought it's still early in the morning, there's no customers that much, so why not take a bath himself. He saw that customer, Ben, in a corner sitting in a stool. He heard some rumors going on about this bath house, that if a man took a bath in the morning, sat on a stool in a corner, purposely slip a soap under their legs and try to see their reaction ; if the man picks it up, that means that man wants you to ram him up in the ass. And so they did. They have done with without even confirming if they're both gays. Not even knowing eo's faces or even their names! Just the feeling of that sudden sex. The next coming days, they tried to look for that particular person. Someone suggested to both of them to come to this Gay Bar (Peters) and they even tried to hook up with someone just to justify it if they're really gay. But turns out they both rejected their "supposed-to-be ons hook up" and continuously tried to look for the other. In which one day, they saw each other. Confirmed that Ben was the customer, and Dick was the one in-charge on the MB. And so, bcs of the "feeling", D dragged B on the storage and did it the second time. However, it ended up soar, as B suggested to not do it again nor meet each other any longer, while, D wants to date. They haven't contacted each other, and decided maybe it is really just a one time thing. But fate decided to flip it! Their friends, Sasha and Pepper, srt up a blind date and they met up again. This time they tried to fix it, date along the way, and officially ended up being in a relationship. If you remember, they both got a ONS before they met up again the second time.... B tried to hook up with his neurologist, which happens to be D's employer ; the owner of the MB. It was their only drama on this series wherein they both admitted that they're not each other's firstss!! And with a few issues on smut dayssssssss lol it was wild. PROSCONS: Pros: I like the art, yes. The sex scenes were very lewd and detailed. The art is okay. I like that they're very open of their situation and communication is key, they avoided issues and not keep any secrets from their relationship. I like that there's no major drama in here. What i hate about it, is that, there's too many non-consensual thing. The seme raped, basically, the uke, which is kinda disturbing. But, I guess, it's fine, since they both liked it. But again, it's very disturbing, like, it's not gonna happen in real life. Especially when they're both straight, that time. Their love story revolves around having too much sex. I wish the author gave it much more different twist or any progress to their relationship. And just actually stick to the title which is "Don't Pick Up the Soap" I thought it'll be more of an angst or love and hate relationship inside a Men's Bath House. But, I was shocked that they derived it from a "saying" that when a man picks up a soap, that means he's the one receiving. And then, I hope, when B moved in to his new condo, the author should have shown there that he wants to live with D. Also make D quit working at the MB, instead, why not B ask D to work under his Dad's company or smth like that? Anyways, again, it revolves too much with the sex thing, but overall it's ayt~! I'd give it a 3/5 stars!
BL Motel