Goshujinsama wa Ouji ga o Suki
They're so cute I love how pure and lovely this is!
30 Sai Kara no Coming Out
DSFHUGDINNGJSDFHBGDFBG BOTH COUPLES ARE FUCKING ADORABLE AND SO SEXY! I'm so in love with them and the whole concept of this manga series. And the art is *chef kiss*
Usagi-chan Doshikori Moushiagemasu
I'M- The first couple is so adorable and HOT AF! And the third one is so cute too! Not a big fan of the fetish in the second one, but they're surely HOT. All the sex scenes in this mangas, ARE SO GOOD. Love them! And the art's awesome too, so sensual
Eunsoo's Good Day
I LOVE IT! Eunsoo is so cuuute and the twins are dkjsfhjfsg so hot
Kami-sama wa xx ga Osuki
dsvghfghaehghjsh I'M SO IN LOVE WITH THEM!
On Doorstep
Ninth Life Love
The art is adorable, and Dorasuke's story made me cry, for real. The second story is the cutest, so so sweet.
Sugar Dog Life