So theres 2 previous stories, one with the teacher and werewolf student and the majority of the continuation is about the second story about the werewolf who was kidnapped and found his life mate im the kidnapper and they rand away ro emglad
Who's Your Daddy?
Stopped at episode side 3 but since chapter 44 the translations were dodgy so idk maybe reread of the chapters are updated Update 44 seemes to be fized 45 onwards is not great translation
Okusama wa Alpha
So we have 2 alphas in an arranged marriage, one wants to have sex and the other is (?) Basically neither wants to yeild to being a bottom so one of them appears at a counsellor who basically at one point sticks his fingers up his ass, take him to watch other alphas fuck and makes the patient more okay with bottoming, once the husband finds out hes not pleased about all this, one of the alphas fathers gets injured so the son goes to visit and gets advice from parents, when he returns the other alphas mom put the omega heat induced counsellor and the husband in one room, the husband is able to resist the pheromones by constantly biting his hand, the counsellor locks himself in the bathroom, the other alpha shows up and they fuck and are happy, they have a kid
Yuujou Haramase Triangle
Yea um it exists, uke is an omega, hes friends with 2 alphas one of the alphas has a crush on him, the omega also has a crush on him and the second alpha also has a crish on that alpha, the guy who has a crush on the alpha is also the ukes perfect match because of ghat they are forced to live together and then the uke is drugged to force a heat, during this the other alpha sho has the crush on the uke comes over and they fuck and pair and are happy that their feelings are returned, the uke get pregnant however the other alpha now completely forgotten his friendship with the lot seems to despise looking at the uke because hes jealous, the other alpha at one point tells the seme and uke to leavs but leave their child for him because he wants to have a bit of the seme with him, and he confesses and guess what nobody asked who cares about his feelings at this point and thats basically what the seme says hes like ik but didnt mention it because of our friendship so why the hell did ypu bring it up and then the uke gets mad at him and is like thats not you talking,old you would never say that, then the uke is like runaway eith us we can all be happy, however the alpha licks em out and disappears for many years and they meet again later on at a beach and the cpuple have a wedding and hes finally supportive
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny
Shedded tears for the butler Basically uke gets kicked out by stepmom and goes to work at his soulmates mansion, he goes in heat, they grow closer, they like eacgother but the semes like ill choose who i marry because he doesnt like fate so he oicks this girl and finds out the butler and the uke will leave on the day of his engagement but on the day of the engagement he announces he'll marry the uke, they get together have sex all that Cried when the butler cried about wanting the uke to be happy but also cursing fate that didnt allow him to be hapoy eith him Then the semes butler falls for the ukes butler but they always argue and then they decide to be sex friends before lovers and the uke butler cant trust that the seme wont meet his soulmate and end up eith him, he believes the seme lives him but he cant trust himself so he keeps pushing him away, then the seme butlers cousin bring his soulmate and trues to set them up by for e with a heat inducer but the uke butler shows up in time and saves him and thry both confess and get together, thry get marrued and the beta uke butler actually manages to give birth, The soulmate luked the cousin they somewhat end up together??? Everyones happy
Keeper of the Pearl