Wolf In The House
This shit is mad funny without even trying! I love the dogs facial expressions! Ok I've reached the epilogue! This was an amazing read! It was good the first time but now I can say I've (basically) finished it and Ein x Leto/Diesel did not disappoint! Loved everything! I just wish that druggy Paster fraud died a slower painful-er death! #JusticeForLeto! Oh and I was hoping somewhere that he'd reunite with his dad.. but I think Bexan hogged up all the good luck in the story e...e On: Ch75
Tengoku Daimakyō
Came from the anime but it was soo good I decided to just start from the beginning here (since I'm slow and didn't realize it was switching back and forth from past to present) 1 ch a month!? T.T and I just had to finish on a hiatus..