Twilight (Nishimoto)
Yay happy endingg My only regret is that bitch didn't get her ass handed to her for the mess she caused!!
You Make It Too Easy
Cuteeee I'll definitely be back for more =W=
Kiss me, Liar
Wow I came at a good time lol I try to avoid the incomplete ones.. but lucky me; we're at the finish line xD Soo at first... I hated Keith AND Yeonwoo Keith, for obvious reasons.. and I'll NEVER get over him saying Yeon should've just "taken it" (after the party assualt) But Yeon... I just... Couldn't stand him FAWNING over this jerk who Repeatedly treats him like trash... Like when he got mad at the flight attendant kiss.. I was like... "But U knew the drill" TF Keith always been this way.. and u know that.. But anyways I didn't really think he would turn shit around like that!!! That part where he drugged and confessed everything to Keith.. WOW just WOOOW Sidenote: Sorry but The translator notes were annoying! Like they explained everylittle thing! Even when shit was obvious like they mentioned Stewart's name and the t/n said 'oh that's the doctor' AND THEN THE NEXT PAGE SHOWED THE DOC- lmaooo like he wasn't already a major role!? But I love u! Tysm I saw it was a pain much appreciated
Walk on Water
Yesssss! I loved seeing Ed being lovey Dovey (tho it was short lived- I appreciate his displays of affection) Really wanted Yiu to confess (Ik u secretly like Ed!!!) And I'm not so happy with Chang's outro :( but I understand... It was always gonna be like this T-T
Man Of A Virtue
Its done... On lezhin... Huuhuuhuu
Help Me, Teacher
Wow... I only wish there was more.. I need to know what happened!! Can he have both!? Maybe he'll pick none!? I'll never know T^T The P.E teachers description "immoral for 11 years" had me dying lmaooo I liked it :) smut with a lil story very nice
Glasses Cloth and Playlist
This was sooo funny! Even the small details like the background ppl getting their popcorn n movie glasses and the breakroom posters hahaha I really liked the ukes personality! He was definitely on his queen shit xD and the seme well he was good looking lol It was a good quick read-
Chicken Heart Serenade
I really liked chapter 7 and that the translator included the note at the end.. even though I understood the part with the "sex with a man being completely different/ liberating" I had another meaning for the tears.. something like "I can't go back.. I can't pretend (for fams sake)" cause he actually did it now and knows
Elevator Strategy