Kezzyyy's manga / #age gap(4)

Papa Datte, Shitai

Ongoing | Serina Seo | 2000 released

I really love it! Thank you for the one who is updating this story! You really did a good job with the editing! I also relate to the memes each end of the chapters! Thank you for working hard in updating the story!

Nii-chan (harada)

Complete | Harada | 2013 released
2020-08-30 13:34 marked

I got teary-eyed at the end. The kid still wanted to look at the bright side, he didn't want to give up on their relationship. He started taking pills and using cigarettes so that he won't break down. I wish this story has a continuation though. I really wanted the kid to be happy. I wanted them to be accepted also. I am literally crying now!

A Paramour

Complete | Brothers without a tomorrow | 2000 released

Charming Scarface

Complete | Io Kaziwara | 2000 released