Soso's manga / #Manhua/Manhwa(5)


Complete | 켐제 (kemje),켐제 | 2019 released
2021-06-20 20:54 marked

Spoiler I liked, just don't like much the plot of someone obsessed withone character, and when a character already liked the lover's sibling. The characters are cute, and I liked the art.

Here U Are

Complete | DJun | 2000 released
2021-07-27 06:39 marked

Alien In My Closet

Complete | Bingo | 2000 released
2021-08-12 23:06 marked

I thought it was suuuper soft and would have just one or two lemon, lol, I fell for the bait

Gorani Jeon

Complete | Chychy | 2019 released
2021-09-01 21:03 marked

Beloved (jaeliu) Manhua

Complete | jaeliu | 2016 released
2021-09-02 19:13 marked

Hum, like... I like age gap, but this one bother me. Fell a little against the law. Their relationship wasn't much toxic, but, it's not something we would normalize, not something cute. I'm 16, and I would fell really bad dating someone double my age; and even if I was 32, I would fell uncomfortable dating someone knowing that when I was their age, they're born. The art is reallyyy pretty, and the plot is not that bad, but if the girl was a little older, it could be much better.