Baby Snow Leopard of the Black Leopard Family
fl mom(snow leopard) has powerful ice power n married fl dad(black leopard, fire power, the enemy of fl mom family). Then Thiel(Fl) was born as a hybrid & was abused by her bastard maternal grandfather because she was a useless child who didn’t inherit any abilities, and ended up dying . Fl then returned back to past, she also seem to awaken her magic(?) & then Fl decides to live differently so she decided to visit her dad who she thought hated her(sbb atuk bastard Fl ckp fl dad will hate her sbb fl mom died giving birth). Then masa ada event utk prince fiancee candidates n byk org dtg rumah drg, dia plan mau lari so dia p office atuknya mau ambik coins then dia npk lokcet momnya that would prove her to be the daughter of the Black Leopard family. So dia plan utk pergi rumah dadnya & asked for protection until she becomes adult when she will silently leave , tp dia tertangkap n lari pergi guest room n nd sengaja terjumpa crown prince(blond hair, ml?) yg undercover utk tgk potential bride n he help fl hide. He also help fl pergi dukedom dadnya. Prince has dimensional power. Ml mau cri candidate sbb utk share his power with his marked mate klw nd dia akan rampage. ohh sbb fl mom hilangkan diri tu sbb dia kn potential heir n dia mengandung anak perempuan so fl mom family want the child to inherited the power of fl mom n became head tp fl d ckp useless sbb nd manifest the power. N fl dad family sayang sgt sma dia, diorg rupanya cari² fl dri dlu n now they know fl was abused by that bastard family
Lock Me Up, Duke!
Fl Reborn as Jaina Blake, the main character of her favorite game. Fl determined n mau dpt the locked up ending(bad ending) . Sbb dia mau Free food, limitless sleep, and no need to work!(real ) the fl dlm game tu kena abused n dia met ml(duke of North) then they both fall in Love tp ml became yandere n lock fl. Then Fl transmigrasi dlm badan character tu both ml n fl illegitimate child sbb tu ml di suruh jaga North a place full of demonic monster n fl kena sold utk kahwin dgn Ml. Fl n Ml is so cute and fl is so damn funny n chaotic also Ml has power.
Country Life With the Sexy Majesty
Fl reincarnated jd villainess then time engagement dia annulled dgn bastard fiancee(og ml dlm novel) fl tiba² igt masa lalunya dmna dia tu a hardworking agriculture researcher. Fl pun kena chased out dri family(bastard dad yg throw her without any money ),then her nanny ajak dia pergi hometownnya then nanny ckp bapanya nnt akan bawa fl balik p dukedom klw dia berguna (bastard dad-_-) n decided to stick to her strengths and live a worry-free and comfortable life while farming dkt country side. Then the lord dkt town tu interested sma buah² fl so fl buat contract sma lord tu. Soon her farming goods became famous ramai org mau beli. Then one day dia found a hoe that was actually a legenderay sword, then fl accidental form contract(ada tatto dkt tgn fl) , n with the sword blessing town tu smua dpt manfaat mcm tanah subur, telur double egg . N the emperor from another kingdom n the lord grandchild(ml?)found out and try to take the sword tp sword tu ndmau d ambik so fl suggest ml propose so he try to propose to her but fl reject the lord(grandma) ship them together n since sword can change shape fl gunaknnya utk farming n ml somehow ndmau balik n help fl with farming n lama² diorg fall in Love. THE OGFL IS ACTUALLY REINCARNATION TOO N SHE MAY BE A WHITE LOTUS BITCH(?) N THAT BASTARD EX FIANCE MAU FL BALIK (BASTARD!) ml twin sister also adore fl as their sis in law also Fl can wield her sword power is so sweet n obses with fl
I Just Want To Mooch Off Your Luck
Fl is the real daughter but when familynya took her in they treated her badly and treat the fake daughter lovingly until Fl died in miserable sbb ilness(dlm novel dia tu villainess yg torment the fake daughter(ogfl)).fl even wear a face mask sbb ada scar time dia tlg abg bastard dri terkena sup panas tp drg lebih concern sma fake dotter babi-_-. But After being reborn with a luck system, fl left her so called family (bastard family-_-) n fl had no choice but to mooch off of Fu group's young master's(ml, red hair) luck to avoid death by terminal illness ( fl msti collect luck supaya plants lucknya bole tumbuh n dia avoid mati sbb cancer) . Ml kinda a bit tsundere. Fl tu dkt ml sbb mau luck ml ja tp ml salah faham n sangka fl suka sma dia so lama² dia berubah n there's a guy(fl ex crush) yg org anggap fl sllu kejar² tp skg fl nd mau pun tgk guy tu tp dia pula yg kejar fl -_-. Ml is so sweet
Spoiler ML sacrificed his life for FL to have another chance being a regressor. Then he became emperor and declare a monogamous (one wife) for himself.aweee he so sweet. story set in ancient China. MC dies and goes back in time to relive her life, from where she takes revenge and tries to get a good life. Contrary many of the same type of story, this is not focused on being the meanest or most arrogant. Mc stays humble, and the story is told with great humour, even after ch 200. Some detective stories are included, and all in all a joyful read.
Forensic Princess
Fl is a forensic medical expert in past life(modern life) then dia transmigrasi n ada son(apparently fl save ml n snusnu with him then leave him ch9-10). Fl pun menyamar jadi man n became forensics medic. Dia pun ada raven pet. Ml is the blue hair 3rd prince. They somehow solve a murders case together.
Don’t Do This Your Majesty!
Fl is the Empire’s strongest Knight n ml exclusive knight. Fl returned 4x to save the assassinated crown prince(ml) yg dikatakan sbgai mad dog(dia suruh her archmage friend utk putar balik masa) . In this life, fl tried to hide her power by jadi maid yg reckless and save ml by working as ml exclusive maid sbb others maid takut sma ml . Disebabkn dia putar balik masa n always fail to save ml, dia akan trstuck dlm time loop. This time fl will try to save ml n tame him fl save ml from poison by kissing him to extract the poison n they made contract , fl akan jd exclusive maid smpai death(sbb fl ingested poison n d anggarkn akan died 4 days tp fl will survive sbb dia sword master). Bila fl start kerja sma ml,ml salah faham yg fl mau lust badan ml padahal fl tu mau dkt sma ml ja haha.
The Top Couple Is a Bit Sweet