pyrokitten77's manga / #Romance(191)

Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue

Complete | KATOU Setsuko | 2000 released

Orito works part time at his mom's bar. One night, he sees his friend's brother Mitsuru with a group. After his group has left, Mitsuru comes up to Orito and asks him not to tell his brother that he was there. As Orito's "payment", Mitsuru kisses him. Confused, he affirms he will not say a word to the brother. The next time Orito visits his friend, Mitsuru opens the door and before he sends Orito up to Yuzuru with drinks, Mitsuru kisses him again and when asked if that was his reward, Mitsuru smiles and says nothing. In the next scene, Orito is going to work when he bumps into his brother leaving the shop. Orito asks his mom if the brother borrowed money again and he had because "his girlfriend got pregnant". He gets into an argument with the mom that Mitsuru happens to intrude on when he comes in to get his drivers license. The mom leaves and Mitsuru hugs Orito and tells him that being a brother, there will be some imperfect areas. He says, "Like me, I'm imperfect too" and kisses Orito. They end up having sex and afterwards, Mitsuru says that even though his parents are always working and he's taken most of the responsibility for Yuzuru he sometimes wishes he could have someone to rely on. Orito says he wants to be that person. Later, when Yuzuru and Orito are hanging out, Yuzuru mentions that his brother will be cooking for him since the mom will be working and happens to say how much Mitsuru pampers him. Orito is suddenly jealous of their close relationship and spills the secret that Mitsuru had been a regular at the bar and that he drinks a lot and with women. He immediately regrets it when Yuzuru is upset and that night, Mitsuru calls him multiple times but he ignores the calls. Mitsuru finally just texts him to come to his house Saturday since no one will be there. Orito goes and immediately apologizes and is just as readily forgiven. They end up having sex and Mitsuru wants Orito to invite him over to his house since he's never been invited. Orito says it's only because his place is untidy and they make a date for Mitsuru to come the following Friday. Some time later, they're shopping together at the supermarket when the brother spots them. He starts asking about what their relationship is, and Orito asks Mitsuru to wait outside while they talk a bit. Basically, Orito tells him that he'll not bother with what the brother does and tells him to do what he wants but to not talk to him anymore. Mitsuru is heading up to Orito's place when he notices the lights are on. He remembered that Orito had to work but guessed he must have gotten off early. He announces his presence and gets further into the house when he sees the brother lounging on the bed. The brother starts talking and asks what their relationship is. Mitsuru says they're friends but the brother tells him that's not the case. He then says that he'd always liked Orito and that he's always wanted to be held by him. They talk some more when the brother gets agitated at what Mitsuru is saying, so he throws him down. They argue a bit more and Orito walks in. The brother leaves after saying he won't come anymore. Mitsuru is sad afterwards, thinking about how he's not a good brother. Orito comforts him and they have sex. The last three bits are short little snippets. In the first, things have been tense between Orito and Yuzuru. With Mitsuru's slight nudge, the two of them make up. In the second, Mitsuru mentions that Orito's brother is a bit more proactive than Orito is and it would be good for him to be a little pushy sometimes. While Mitsuru is taking a nap, Orito comes in and ties him up and blindfolds him and they have sex. Afterwards, Mitsuru realizes it's because of what he said and Orito says it felt a little like he'd lost to his brother and Mitsuru tells him that's not the case and that thanks to Orito, Mitsuru realized his kinky side. Orito tells him to not show that side to anybody else. In the last one, they're enjoying a day off when Orito gets called into work as they're getting "in the mood". Mitsuru says he'll go with him - as a customer - and Orito says he can't because to have Mitsuru so close when he's like this is just as good as killing him. Mitsuru relents and says he'll stay home and make coffee and wait for his return so they can continue where they left off.

Sorenari ni Shinken nandesu

Complete | asou kai | 2008 released
2016-05-10 16:48 marked

Night Walk

Complete | Miyamoto Kano | 2007 released
2016-05-11 01:59 marked

Tsukasa is a magazine writer who has a gay porn star lover (Atsushi) that hears a screeching noise when something bad is about to happen. The two investigate a rumored haunted house, where they find lots of cats and end up keeping one after the skeleton of the lady who used to live there (and feed the cats) was found under the floorboards. Yui, a high school friend of Tsukasa's and a yakuza, later comes into the picture with a kid who claims to have been abducted by aliens. When Tsukasa starts investigating the group that Yui is a part of on his behalf, things are tense between Atsushi and Tsukasa, which makes Atsushi turn to Yui for comfort. Yui's brother (who Yui has loved for years) ends up kidnapping Yui and tries to kill him but is unable to and he disappears. The yakuza organization dissolves, which is what Yui wanted in the first place (and why he had Tsukasa investigating). After a month of recuperating with Tsukasa and Atsushi, Yui leaves (presumably to look for his brother).

Sono Te No Netsu Wo Kasanete

Complete | fujiyama hyouta | 2008 released

Nagisa Takakage just opened a restaurant, and finds himself with a strange regular customer, Koga Nagisa. Koga shows up to eat and to chat with Nagisa. Koga gets drunk one night and Nagisa takes him home, where they kiss but go no further because Koga passes out. In the morning, Koga doesn't seem to remember but afterwards Nagisa can't stop thinking about it and develops feelings for Koga. One night while having drinks, Koga asks if Nagisa had ever wanted to meet the person who made the plates for his restaurant. He says he hadn't really thought about it, which makes Koga angry and he leaves. The next day, Koga shows up to Nagisa's appartment with a present as an apology for his behavior and it's a bowl he made with his card in it. Later, Nagisa asks Koga to make a flower pot/centerpiece for the entryway of his restaurant but when price is mentioned, Koga has no idea what to charge for it so so they go ask the guy who sold Koga's plates to Nagisa and he doesn't know either because he only knows prices for dishware and he suggests he asks Koga's father who is due any moment. Koga tries to leave but before he can, his dad shows up. They get in an argument and Koga and Nagisa leave. Turns out they're having issues because his dad signed hiim up for an exhibition without his permission and he's supposed to turn something in but is uninspired and decides he's going to work on Nagisa's piece instead. Nagisa tells him he doesn't want him to work on it to spite his father. Koga later comes to the restaurant and they go to Nagisa's house where they have a long chat and end up getting frisky. In the morning, Koga shakes Nagisa awake and says he wants to go home. For 10 days, they don't see each other. Nagisa gets a little anxious and decides to call the shop but has to leave a message that Koga doesn't get because he's so engrossed in his work and when he notices, the restaurant is closed and New Years break has started. As it happens, the two have never exchanged cell phone numbers so they don't get to converse throughout the whole break. While having a meal with his family, Koga tells them that the piece he's working on is his exhibition piece AND the commission for Nagisa. Koga's dad flips out and tells him they can't be one and the same and to start over. Koga refuses and his dad goes to ask Nagisa to commission another piece. He didn't know anything about the pieces being the same and after seeing it, he says he can't do that. He wants the one that Koga had been working on. Koga's dad says he'll charge him whatever the asking price happens to be after the exhibition, which means it will be even more expensive. Koga is angry and says he was making it for him and he was planning on just giving it to him. The dad finally relents and in the end, the piece wins second place in the competition and is placed in Nagisa's restaurant.

Work In

Complete | suzuki tsuta | 2000 released
2016-05-12 14:01 marked

Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki

Complete | Scarlet Beriko | 2014 released
2016-05-14 02:44 marked

Walking With You (junko)

Complete | junko | 2000 released
2016-05-14 04:41 marked

Ken and Yuu are childhood friends, they have always been together, they went to the same kindergarden, the same elementary school, the same middle school and now the same high school. Ken is really good at soccer, so much so that he gets scouted. Yuu is excited for his friend at first but quickly realizes that this "good news" means his best friend will be moving away. He's very upset and spends the next few days avoiding Ken. Ken finally corners him at school but Yuu refuses to listen to him and leaves to take his turn doing his part at a Halloween? event. There are mannequin hands sticking out of the wall covered in blood and Yuu is to move his hand to scare people when his hand is suddenly grabbed. He pulls it out and leaves the room to find Ken standing outside the door. Yuu is crying and asking what if Ken had gotten the wrong hand and Ken responds that there was no way he could mistake Yuu's hand. On his left ring finger is a ring. OMFG so sweet. I can't even deal with it.

Doushiyoumo Nai Keredo

Complete | natsume isaku | 2005 released

Colorful Line

Complete | Ichikawa Kei | 2000 released

Shousuke (Shou-chan) and Tomoki are friends. Shousuke always comforts Tomoki after he gets dumped (which is often). His mo after break ups is that he cries a lot/gets depressed, drinks, and rants to Shousuke. Shousuke loves Tomoki and one night kisses Tomoki while they'd been drinking. The next day, Shousuke is avoiding Tomoki who wants to talk about what the kiss meant. Shousuke literally ran away so Tomoki had to chase him. When they've both run to exhaustion, Tomoki asks Shousuke what the kiss meant and is confessed to by Shousuke to which Tomoki replies that he loves him too. Shousuke cannot believe this because Tomoki is flighty with love - he always claims that he loved the girl that dumped him and that she was the one. The rest is basically dorks trying to figure themselves and each other out. And another run-and-chase happens. These boys are a hot mess. Lol. At one point, Asami (Tomoki's ex-girlfriend), talks to them both about each other. They've both been moping separately and she just gets frustrated one day and hits Shousuke with her bag. Those two do not get along at all. Asami had been jealous of Shousuke because it always seemed like Tomoki was almost a different person with Shousuke. She felt like something was missing between her and Tomoki - as did all the other girls he went out with. Anyway, the boys finally talk and finally start dating.

Neon Sign Amber

Complete | OGERETSU Tanaka | 2015 released
2016-05-15 03:00 marked