pyrokitten77's manga / #Cute(179)

Kokoro (kanda neko)

Complete | kanda neko | 2010 released
2016-10-09 23:59 marked
Tags: Cute

Naruto dj - Small Beasts Of The Forest

Complete | Hoshino Lily,twinge | 2000 released
2016-05-02 21:08 marked

Yorokobi wa Hiza no Ue

Complete | KATOU Setsuko | 2000 released

Orito works part time at his mom's bar. One night, he sees his friend's brother Mitsuru with a group. After his group has left, Mitsuru comes up to Orito and asks him not to tell his brother that he was there. As Orito's "payment", Mitsuru kisses him. Confused, he affirms he will not say a word to the brother. The next time Orito visits his friend, Mitsuru opens the door and before he sends Orito up to Yuzuru with drinks, Mitsuru kisses him again and when asked if that was his reward, Mitsuru smiles and says nothing. In the next scene, Orito is going to work when he bumps into his brother leaving the shop. Orito asks his mom if the brother borrowed money again and he had because "his girlfriend got pregnant". He gets into an argument with the mom that Mitsuru happens to intrude on when he comes in to get his drivers license. The mom leaves and Mitsuru hugs Orito and tells him that being a brother, there will be some imperfect areas. He says, "Like me, I'm imperfect too" and kisses Orito. They end up having sex and afterwards, Mitsuru says that even though his parents are always working and he's taken most of the responsibility for Yuzuru he sometimes wishes he could have someone to rely on. Orito says he wants to be that person. Later, when Yuzuru and Orito are hanging out, Yuzuru mentions that his brother will be cooking for him since the mom will be working and happens to say how much Mitsuru pampers him. Orito is suddenly jealous of their close relationship and spills the secret that Mitsuru had been a regular at the bar and that he drinks a lot and with women. He immediately regrets it when Yuzuru is upset and that night, Mitsuru calls him multiple times but he ignores the calls. Mitsuru finally just texts him to come to his house Saturday since no one will be there. Orito goes and immediately apologizes and is just as readily forgiven. They end up having sex and Mitsuru wants Orito to invite him over to his house since he's never been invited. Orito says it's only because his place is untidy and they make a date for Mitsuru to come the following Friday. Some time later, they're shopping together at the supermarket when the brother spots them. He starts asking about what their relationship is, and Orito asks Mitsuru to wait outside while they talk a bit. Basically, Orito tells him that he'll not bother with what the brother does and tells him to do what he wants but to not talk to him anymore. Mitsuru is heading up to Orito's place when he notices the lights are on. He remembered that Orito had to work but guessed he must have gotten off early. He announces his presence and gets further into the house when he sees the brother lounging on the bed. The brother starts talking and asks what their relationship is. Mitsuru says they're friends but the brother tells him that's not the case. He then says that he'd always liked Orito and that he's always wanted to be held by him. They talk some more when the brother gets agitated at what Mitsuru is saying, so he throws him down. They argue a bit more and Orito walks in. The brother leaves after saying he won't come anymore. Mitsuru is sad afterwards, thinking about how he's not a good brother. Orito comforts him and they have sex. The last three bits are short little snippets. In the first, things have been tense between Orito and Yuzuru. With Mitsuru's slight nudge, the two of them make up. In the second, Mitsuru mentions that Orito's brother is a bit more proactive than Orito is and it would be good for him to be a little pushy sometimes. While Mitsuru is taking a nap, Orito comes in and ties him up and blindfolds him and they have sex. Afterwards, Mitsuru realizes it's because of what he said and Orito says it felt a little like he'd lost to his brother and Mitsuru tells him that's not the case and that thanks to Orito, Mitsuru realized his kinky side. Orito tells him to not show that side to anybody else. In the last one, they're enjoying a day off when Orito gets called into work as they're getting "in the mood". Mitsuru says he'll go with him - as a customer - and Orito says he can't because to have Mitsuru so close when he's like this is just as good as killing him. Mitsuru relents and says he'll stay home and make coffee and wait for his return so they can continue where they left off.


Complete | moegi yuu | 2008 released
2016-05-09 00:39 marked


Complete | moegi yuu | 2000 released
2016-05-09 01:28 marked
Tags: Cute

Elektel Delusion

Complete | nekota yonezou | 2009 released
2016-05-09 06:54 marked

Aaah, I never want this to eeeeeend! *sobs*

Hana To Usagi

Complete | kashima chiaki | 2013 released

Flower and Bunny Ch 1-3: Kajiyama is a delivery guy for a company that Aizawa uses a lot. Kajiyama is a little unnerved by the fact that Aizawa always wears a bunny mask when he opens the door and he never takes it off. Kajiyama wonders and wonders about why it is that Aizawa wears a mask. Aizawa is awkward and conversations that the two have are stilted because of the silent gaps between sentences. One day, Kajiyama happens by a guy that is tall while on his way to deliver to Aizawa. When the tall guy sees Kajiyama, he takes off running. Kajiyama is confused until he realizes that the guy must be Aizawa. He chases after him and goes to Aizawa's apartment. He bangs on the door and when Aizawa opens the door he's wearing his bunny mask but he's breathing really hard and acting like he wasn't downstairs. While they're talking, a kid bumps into Kajiyama and they all go tumbling down. The package opens and flower petals fly out. They collect the petals as best they can and Aizawa is "normal" to Kajiyama's eyes. He hands back the bunny mask to Aizawa who hadn't realized it had fallen off and freaks out. He runs back into his apartment to hide but Kajiyama still needs a stamp for the delivery. Aizawa comes back out with a towel wrapped around his head. Kajiyama finally asks why he wears the bunny mask. Turns out, Aizawa is just shy and this causes Kajiyama to laugh because he had thought of all sorts of reasons as to why Aizawa would wear a bunny mask all the time and it was something as simple as him being shy. He's also worried about others seeing his facial expressions. Next, a new employee comes and is to take over for Kajiyama's area. He gives Kajiyama tickets to an amusement park and Kajiyama invites Aizawa to go. He (essentially) pressures Aizawa into going and even though Kajiyama told him not to wear the bunny mask, Aizawa shows up with sunglasses, a beanie and a face mask. Everyone is suspicious of Aizawa, whispering and staring and such, but when he takes off the face mask to eat ice cream, a couple of girls come up and start flirting with him. Kajiyama gets irritated and yells that they're on a date and they go on the ferris wheel, where Kajiyama tells Aizawa that he will not be delivering to him anymore and they won't have a reason to meet. Afterwards, they go to Aizawa's house, where Aizawa tells Kajiyama that he has feelings for him as well. They start dating. Kajiyama goes to Aizawa's house for dinner just about every night. Apparently the new delivery guy is working out fine. Aizawa is still wearing the bunny mask even in front of Kajiyama, who asks why he's still wearing it. Aizawa tries to evade the question, which irritates Kajiyama and he ends up leaving. A week passes with no word from Aizawa. The new delivery guy comes up and tells Kajiyama that Aizawa seems to not be at home anymore and the packages are piling up and he doesn't know what to do. Kajiyama goes to Aizawa's house and rings the bell until Aizawa finally opens up. Aizawa had been wanting to contact Kajiyama but he was afraid that Kajiyama would want to break up so he didn't. Kajiyama lets all his feelings out in a rant. Aizawa kisses him and they end up having sex. Aaand, all's well that ends well. *thumbs up* That Smile Once Again Ch 4: Fujimura is ticked off at the persistent student council president Segawa who keeps asking him to play piano for the last slot in the school festival. He tells Segawa that he can't perform because he'll be busy with a piece for a contest. Segawa tells him to play that at the school festival since the contest is the day after. During preparations, a ladder almost falls on Fujimura but Segawa deflects it. However, he ends up getting cut and bleeding, which causes him to pass out. He has a strange dream about raw eggs and ends up jolting out of the infirmary bed screaming "I don't want the raw egg!" which startles Segawa who had been sitting beside him. Turns out, Segawa knew Fujimura during middle school. Segawa tried to play the piano but wasn't very good, but his sister kept playing so he'd go to the recitals where he saw that Fujimura had to be taken off stage once because of a stomach ache due to him eating a raw egg. Segawa confesses that he had purposefully kept that slot open so that Fujimura would play and he could hear Fujimura play again because he loves his music. He begs Fujimura to play and Fujimura tells him that he's nervous because he was playing a ravel during his last on-stage performance and this one is a ravel and he's scared to perform. Segawa says he'll be right there next to him. The performance goes off without a hitch and Segawa tells Fujimura that he wants to go to the contest with him. Greatest Common Denominator Ch 5: Tatchan is essentially perfect. He's athletic, gets good grades, is cool, attractive, and the animals love him but his one weakness is mornings. Shouhei sometimes comes to wake Tatchan up in the mornings. As it turns out, the two are dating and due to (fortunate) circumstances, Tatchan's brother and mom will be out for 2 days. Shouhei worries Tatchan won't wake up in time for school so suggests he spends the night, to which Tatchan agrees. They've been dating a month but all they've done is kissing, which Shouhei is excited to change. While having dinner, Shouhei tells Tatchan that he wants him to be his bride. They start making out and Tatchan asks Shouhei what he plans on doing with "that" - his erection. Shouhei tells him that he wants to have sex and Tatchan says no. They go back to eating, much to Shouhei's disappointment. The next day, Shouhei is depressed and worries that Tatchan doesn't like him and only agreed to go out with him because he's nice and just went with the flow. Later that day, at Tatchan's house, Shouhei asks him about it and as it happens, Tatchan was worried about how much it was going to hurt when they eventually had sex. They decide that the person with the smaller penis will enter the other to minimize the "damage" and the pain. Shouhei "wins" that contest but apparently it grows so in the end Tatchan's is technically smaller. Tatchan says next time he'll do Shouhei but Shouhei says that since Tatchan felt good and they already did it that it would be better if Shouhei continued to top.

110-ban Wa Uketsukemasen!

Complete | kitazawa kyou | 2011 released
2016-05-10 05:27 marked
Tags: Cute police

Karasu Ni Diamond

Complete | ootsuki miu | 2000 released
2016-05-10 06:57 marked

Ch.1-2 Karasu ni Diamond - Otomura (a "delinquent" looking guy with blond hair and tattoos) saves Satori from a crow (Kuro-chan) that bothers him. Turns out the crow had been injured and was nursed back to health by Otomura so the crow listens to him. Otomura doesn't want people to know about his gentle side so tells Satori not to tell, but when his friends believe he's being threatened by Otomura, Satori spills the beans about his good side. Otomura finds out and is angry, so he ignores Satori who feels bad and cries to Kuro-chan when the bird blocks his path and confesses his love for Otomura who overhears the whole thing. Ch.3-4 Cherry Blossom Fall - Komiya can always spot Koma in a crowd. Koma is popular with girls but is afraid of them. One day, a couple of friends of the two mentions to Komiya that apparently Koma was seen in the red light district walking "intimately" with a guy. Komiya is jealous and angry and after seeing another guy leave Koma's house, he pushes him down and has sex with him. Later, Koma tells him that the guy he saw was his nephew and overcome with guilt for his behavior, Komiya runs out of the house but Koma chases after him. Ch.5 Flora - Kazu stole Yousuke from his girlfriend and constantly worries that someone will steal Yousuke from him. When a stranger comes, Kazu is on alert. As it happens, the stranger was a detective hired by the ex-girlfriend to bring Yousuke back.

Green Peace

Complete | KITAZAWA Kyou | 2000 released
2016-05-10 07:17 marked

Kosakabe goes to a agriculture school and meets Kawana there, who blatantly ogles Kosakabe. Kosakabe treats Kawana like a slave. One day, Kawana kisses Kosakabe who gets angry and goes on a goukon. He ends up spending the night at a hotel with no recollection of if he had his first time or not. Kosakabe ends up being late and for shirking his duties, Kawana throws him into a shed to spend the night to reflect on his behavior. Kosakabe stays because he wants Kawana to forgive him. Later, Kosakabe is skipping school at the arcade and is found by Kawana who tells him he shouldn't be out alone because he is being targeted. Kosakabe runs off and is kidnapped by the gang that Kawana used to run in order to get him to lead the group once more. Kawana is about to agree, but Kosakabe tells him that he'll never forgive him if he gives up on his dream to run his grandfather's farm.