This really great manhwa. Really drawn well and have a great impact on me as the reader. I know that this statement maybe silly, but i really hate bum. I know it was his pshycological state that make him slow-act. But i felt really terrible toward sangwoo. He deserve a better live. And i hate the fact the he was killed by other woman (i think author try to potray a misserable life of sangwoo-- sangwoo tend to kill woman but in the end he was killed by a woman). It must be better if sangwoo was killed by bum. I already imagine when the knife hit miss from seungbae to sangwoo when they had fight. But uhh whatever... And for bum, CONGRATS! U will not having a hard time to die. If he didn't get hit by a truck, I already imagine that he's gonna commit suicide. It best for him. He didn't even have anything left. If he live he will face another troubled day by day. So it's better for him to died rather than to live.
Killing Stalking