This ending, ahh so beautiful, Taeyang is such a cute kid, so precious
Here U Are
oh no, it's over, boooo. This story is so well written, it held me from beginning to end, I didn't even see the chapters passing by, but I think there could be more stories about the secondary couples, there could be about 100 more chapters lol.
Shen Sheng
So sweet and fluffly, at the begining I thought that they got together too fast, it looked rushed, but seeing the ending now I understood why, the teacher was already in love with Shen Sheng, ahhhhh so cuteeee
Thirty Years Old
The story was perfect, QiuYu and Lamb Yang are both cute, but the best characters in my opinion are Pres.Wei and YiCheng, Wei is a daddy lol, he was super funny and cute, I always laughed in his scenes, YiCheng is a sweetheart, he looked like a puppy, so passionate and determined. Generally in the stories I always like the secondary couple more, but in this one I loved them equally. I wanted a more defined ending between the president and Yang but even so, it was beautiful.
Motomete Yamanai