Dear Brand
I can't believe I've lost my time reading this just to find out that it was a abandoned project, damn I'm so mad.
Thirty Years Old
The story was perfect, QiuYu and Lamb Yang are both cute, but the best characters in my opinion are Pres.Wei and YiCheng, Wei is a daddy lol, he was super funny and cute, I always laughed in his scenes, YiCheng is a sweetheart, he looked like a puppy, so passionate and determined. Generally in the stories I always like the secondary couple more, but in this one I loved them equally. I wanted a more defined ending between the president and Yang but even so, it was beautiful.
Love Shuttle
That's just perfect. Na side story, me sinto mal pelo Dojun, o doutor fica fazendo ele sofrer e o irmão fica perturbando ele tbm, affff, queria que o doutor rastejasse mais, mas ok né, caboi
The Use of a Necktie
Tameiki no Haru ni Koi no Natsu
Ai ai, que história perfeita, amo amores não correspondidos que encontram outra pessoa.
Hontou wa Suki na no ni