Zihvuda's manga / #shoujo(4)

The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion

Complete | Milcha,Golae | 2000 released
2021-12-28 23:11 marked

This was pretty addictive and good. A shame about a few things, like there's quite a few things that are sort of brought up as significant and aren't actually. Everyone except the leads feel somehow underutilized and in some cases underdeveloped. The female lead gets quite a few inexplicable talents that are never explained and end up being straight up plot conveniences. Some story beats feel a little unearned because of the underdevelopment of some of the characters, and the transitions between scenes can feel a little like there's a few pages of comic, if not an entire chapter of comic, missing. Justin is fun... but also annoying and superfluous. I don't wish him gone from the story, but at the same time he didn't have anything to do, which is a shame because that could have been fixed by having him more actively engaged with the rest of his plot, like his sister or something, and then his existence would have had more depth and meaning. The way he was used just felt like another obstacle for the couple to have to traverse in their quest to get together for realzies. Which yes, is important for stories, but at the same time shouldn't have defined this character in his entirety. There really should have been more to him. As with pretty much the rest of the supporting cast. The humor was pretty on point most of the time. The reactions of the characters being a particular highlight, and i love the way the female lead thought about and handled things for the most part. Could have done without her obsessing about events that were highly unlikely to happen due to the simple fact that Raeliana never died, so obviously certain things would have no reason to occur. It wasn't badly handled, it just stuck out at me. Noah was a riot and actually managed to come off as intimidating and hella dangerous at the beginning, something that not every author making use of this trope manages to do properly, so that was nice. There was plenty of fun banter, and the translation was consistently understandable and legible and actually good. At least the english of it was. I don't understand why people have who have no idea how to string two words together in english decide they want to try translating comics on the internet into english. Just why?? It utterly ruins the story. There's so many dog shit scnlations on this very site that are just so utterly mangled, that there's no point in actually reading the story as it's rendered utterly unenjoyable. Not having to constantly correct grammar or rearrange words and letters into something that makes sense elevates the reading experience. Who'd have thought! Ever so slightly disappointed that instead of defying and overcoming her fate, the lead instead follows it to the letter. Also not a fan of the goddess stuff at the very end. The "next-life" thing felt very unnecessary to me as well, but that's definitely a personal preference kind of things.

Father, I don't Want this Marriage

Ongoing | Hong hee su | 2019 released

There's some definite weaknesses in this one. One being that most of the plot, frustratingly, focuses on misunderstandings between... well everyone. There's so much miscommunication in this that it made me anxious and frustrated. Just not for me I'd say, except that some of these miscommunications could be solved quite easily. There also seems to be some flip flopping with the MC. She's reincarnated into this life, but at the same time it's like she isn't? It's not explained well, and it wouldn't matter too much, but because there's so much in the story that already bothers me, this rather inconsequential- Actually scratch that, it *isn't* inconsequential, the father is a main character in the story and so it's the difference between "protect my daughter" and "my daughter's dead and there's another person living in her stead". That second option has some delicious angst to be had, but sadly I didn't like the story enough to see if the author ever did anything with that. (´︿`) The romance between the leads is adorable! And completely free from the context of the story I would say it's some of the best I've read. However *with* context of the story it becomes rather contrived ("because the plot says so") and at times idiotic. The father has been emotionally abusive to the daughter her whole life, and then once the reincarnation happens he changes, but neither character addresses this abuse, so it just becomes a giant elephant in the room that everyone ignores with increasing awkwardness. Because it's never talked about it robs the story of any catharsis of her confronting her abuser. And make no mistake, no matter how good intentioned, what the father did was indeed abusive, even though he is otherwise characterized as a good man trying his best. His best, in the case of his daughter, was shit. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ He does get better, but that's not the point. They don't talk, which just builds on the frustration already being piled on by ALL the F***ing misunderstandings. Also as customary in these stories the male lead kind of passively deceives the mc. Like, he probably didn't mean to at the beginning, but as the story progresses it's more than apparent and he MUST have noticed his non-intentional deception by now, so the fact that he never uh- "comes clean" to her goes from "oops" to *actively lying*. Which would be fine, except the story fails to establish a valid reason for this. At least at the point to which I read, which was till ch32. The story really isn't that bad for what it is, but it's clearly not my cup of tea, so I'm dropping it here. If you like misunderstandings and comedy, don't mind certain more serious things being played for laughs, than this is for you! Enjoy this mostly light hearted tale!

Inso's Law Webtoon

Ongoing | Yuhan,Ahyun | 2000 released
2022-07-04 06:39 marked

Interesting take on Isekai, and a very addicting read. All the characters are likable and the relationships are very immersive. However the story has a bad habit of commenting on bad tropes that don't make sense or flaws in certain characters and then having them incorporated in the plot anyway. Just because you say something is bad, doesn't excuse you from doing the bad thing too, not even when trying to make a joke. It doesn't work like that~! =_= The MC is very oblivious, and it gets grating to watch. The MLs also need to do better when confronting her as she is (however unintentionally) completely belittling and ignoring their feelings and actions. It sucks and can be very frustrating to those that can't stand such things. This stuff overall is slightly mitigated by the fact the story starts when they're literally starting middle school and then continues in high school, so immature children not knowing what they're doing is to be expected. It still does annoy the hell out of me, but then, I'm not in the correct age demographic anymore. Still it's a fun read and the comedy for the most part really does land beautifully. Translation is fine for the most part, but there are chapters here and there translated by people who don't actually speak any english, so beware. You'll get more out of those particular chapters by ignoring the text and just looking at the pretty art. >_> One thing at the very beginning that annoyed me to no end is that MC suddenly gets confronted by a girl she's never seen before, MC NEVER asks who she is, or says "I don't know you". It's among the first things I'd say upon seeing a strange person coming up to me, being overly familiar, and not letting me go. I'd ask who she is, and or say "I don't know you, wtf?". It's incredibly frustrating when MC doesn't do this and just... goes along with it. It's freaking weird.

I Raised My Fiancé with Money

Ongoing | Yeonseona | 2022 released
2024-07-21 18:03 marked

Read this on the recommendation from a youtube video. It's not exactly what I thought it'd be and while I like the characters and the art is gorgeous It doesn't quite hit the same for me as some other stories in the genre. The leads are adorable, together and their progression seems very natural so far, but it's not really to my taste though I do believe the story has been told competently. There's some twists I can see a mile away, and some things regarding when MC decides to share information feels oddly stupid. The revenge is kind of... well it didn't manage to bring me on MC's side or really want to see the other parties downfall, if anything, the cheating fiance is a cartoon villain with nothing interesting about him. Overall I think it's good and would recommend giving this a read, but it's not for me.