Zihvuda's manga / #historical(24)

Kill the Villainess

Complete | Haegi,Your april | 2021 released
2024-03-30 21:23 marked

This was pretty good. Actually accurate to some of the comments even. It bothers me when we never find out the reincarnated person's name from their previous life (because it's never implied or directly said that they don't remember it), and this story unfortunately doesn't address this, but the grief or being ripped out of her own world and brought to this one is real, and pretty well explored. I also absolutely LOVE that throughout the chapters so far, she is so. utterly. done. with everyone's bullshit and for the most part shows it with no remorse. It's really great. Also her behavior is scaring the shit out of some people, which is also pretty fun to witness. Another thing I really like is that the person who will eventually become her love interest is actually a pretty normal looking guy, and not some ridiculously hot guy she meets/saves randomly one day. I mean she still does meet him randomly and does him a kindness, but it's not like I have a problem with any tropes as long as they are done well.

Father, I don't Want this Marriage

Ongoing | Hong hee su | 2019 released

There's some definite weaknesses in this one. One being that most of the plot, frustratingly, focuses on misunderstandings between... well everyone. There's so much miscommunication in this that it made me anxious and frustrated. Just not for me I'd say, except that some of these miscommunications could be solved quite easily. There also seems to be some flip flopping with the MC. She's reincarnated into this life, but at the same time it's like she isn't? It's not explained well, and it wouldn't matter too much, but because there's so much in the story that already bothers me, this rather inconsequential- Actually scratch that, it *isn't* inconsequential, the father is a main character in the story and so it's the difference between "protect my daughter" and "my daughter's dead and there's another person living in her stead". That second option has some delicious angst to be had, but sadly I didn't like the story enough to see if the author ever did anything with that. (´︿`) The romance between the leads is adorable! And completely free from the context of the story I would say it's some of the best I've read. However *with* context of the story it becomes rather contrived ("because the plot says so") and at times idiotic. The father has been emotionally abusive to the daughter her whole life, and then once the reincarnation happens he changes, but neither character addresses this abuse, so it just becomes a giant elephant in the room that everyone ignores with increasing awkwardness. Because it's never talked about it robs the story of any catharsis of her confronting her abuser. And make no mistake, no matter how good intentioned, what the father did was indeed abusive, even though he is otherwise characterized as a good man trying his best. His best, in the case of his daughter, was shit. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ He does get better, but that's not the point. They don't talk, which just builds on the frustration already being piled on by ALL the F***ing misunderstandings. Also as customary in these stories the male lead kind of passively deceives the mc. Like, he probably didn't mean to at the beginning, but as the story progresses it's more than apparent and he MUST have noticed his non-intentional deception by now, so the fact that he never uh- "comes clean" to her goes from "oops" to *actively lying*. Which would be fine, except the story fails to establish a valid reason for this. At least at the point to which I read, which was till ch32. The story really isn't that bad for what it is, but it's clearly not my cup of tea, so I'm dropping it here. If you like misunderstandings and comedy, don't mind certain more serious things being played for laughs, than this is for you! Enjoy this mostly light hearted tale!

Death Is The Only Ending For The Villainess

Ongoing | gwon gyeoeul,suol | 2019 released
2022-06-09 15:26 marked

This was pretty interesting.The protagonist is flung into the world of a dating sim, and she actually can't do much at first but function as the game wants her. It's actually pretty great. The character dynamics are really good and the relationship development between the characters and the way some parallel the mc's actual(?) or previous(?) life is also super cool. The angst is delicious and the triumphs are so worth it. The fear of dying is real and well explored, and the comedy is great! This has been one of the few manga to actually get me to laugh out loud, which takes a lot. Really liking the story so far, although the fact that the dating sim the mc is in has the mc's 2 brothers positioned as potential lovers is kind of squick. Even though they aren't even related by blood to mc, it's still problematic for me. Thankfully the MC isn't even remotely interested which is nice, but still, the way their points wrack up in certain scenes is something i have to actively make myself ignore. It's still a great story! Would definitely recommend! There's like 1 or 2 chapters that aren't translated well at all, and they did almost make me drop the story, but thankfully the competent Asura Scans took over, and I was able to go back to enjoying the story. Really hope this continues to be translated by a group like Asura Scans who's english is this good.

Actually, I was the Real One

Ongoing | sam woel,yuwoon | 2020 released
2022-07-07 07:22 marked

I like the mystery, but the story does take a little bit to get to the actual conflict of the story. The romance is a love triangle (two guys like one girl), and I abhor those, but it's definitely better than harem. A lot of time is devoted to showing how innocent and naive MC is, and it does start to drag a bit. It's not really for me I guess, there's just something missing for me. SPOILER . . . .. . . . I just needed to rant about this part for a sec. So The MC has just found out that mr magician can manipulate time. He finds MC calls her "regressor" and tells her he would like to know what happened in the future for him to need to reverse time. He also wonders why she is the one that remembers what happened in the future. MC acts like an idiot and doesn't tell him that as the true saintess she gets executed and a fake takes her place. I mean there's a whole prophecy about her being needed to avoid some terrible bad that will happen to the kingdom, and she just... doesn't even think to bring that up? I mean she at least told him that she got executed, so he at least may realize that her death = catastrophe for the kingdom, but she leaves out the fake?? That someone actively manipulated events such that she lost her place in her family and died! Just... seems so stupid. >_>

Bad Friend

Complete | Hkmi | 2019 released
2022-12-31 07:26 marked

This is the first historical korean yaoi manhua I've read where there's no rape involved with the plot. The bar is so low this is what constitutes high praise in stories like this. V_V I like the main couple, although the art can be iffy at times, and the seme hiding stuff is kind of played out but, that's par for the course in these kinds of stories. The way they got together was so natural, and them loving on each other is great. This is almost exactly the kind of story I've been wanting from this kind of setting for a long time. Wish more of these stories were like this rather than resorting to rape as some sort of plot device. Haon is understandably naive, Gon is understandably traumatized. It's a good story, not great mind, but absolutely serviceable with the avalanche of crap we otherwise get. The art is a small issue. Characters look good, and the sex is drawn fine, but the action, in this action manhua isn't quite there, and that's a shame. Still, I do recommend it, if only until we get better yaoi stories for historical settings.

Marriage of Convenience

Ongoing | Ken | 2019 released
2023-03-07 11:13 marked

This is ok, good even, but just not for me in the end. It was interesting enough to get me to read more than 50 chapters so I understand why it's highly rated. There are however quite a few things that just didn't sit well with me. I don't mind age gaps too much as long as the people in question are consenting adults and stuff, so I'd leave that aside. Even though I can understand some people just nope-ing out of a story where an adult marries a 9 year old girl (though they don't have sex till like a decade later). The main couple start off pretty estranged, so I don't think anyone can *really* make a case for any grooming on MLs part. Oh and apparently there's like 1 chapter with smut in it? There may be more later I don't know about, but it was fine. Not even that explicit to be honest. So the story is about reincarnation or sort of time travel, girl dies and then wakes up and she's suddenly 18 again. Bianca has gone through a lot of emotional abuse (alot of it seemingly not purposely inflicted) and then later on (in her first life) she ends up destitute and homeless and dies of sickness. When Bianca reincranates, she does not feel like a jaded world weary woman. She feels like she's mentally also 18 again, and acts like it. Some comments were saying how they liked how straightforward Bianca is and how it doesn't take 100 chapters for them to confess and there aren't any annoying misunderstandings. I don't know what story those people read, but it wasn't this one. The main couple are constantly misunderstanding each other, it gets better around chapter 50 or so, but it's the same as many other stories. Bianca turns out to be an extremely forgiving person, and I kind of wanted some more drama with regards to the neglect she suffered from her dad and brother. She's already lived a life and died, and a few tears are enough to fix that particular issue completely? They sold her to this older dude (can't say old cause I can't even figure how big their age gap even is. It feels like 5 years, but apparently is supposed to be more?) and then never spoke to her again. Not one letter or visit. Nothing. I also expected more bitterness directed at Zacheria, or whatever his name was. At least when they fought, but Bianca backs down and away with all the confidence of an 18 year old. And don't get me wrong, it does also make sense, but I was disappointed she wasn't more combative. At the beginning of the story, Bianca decides she needs to get pregnant as quickly as possible and her attempts start bold and then quickly peter out, which again, understandable, but also such a shame! It would have been hilarious if the author had decided to run with it just a little bit more! Like fuck, man I didn't want her sexually assaulting him, but it would have been fun for her to be more active in her persuit. She's tiny and he's a behemoth and the idea of him deflecting her advances would have been funny as fuck! Especially as he starts the story already having feelings for her! I guess in the end what I had hoped to get was Megara from Disney's Hercules and what I got was Bianca, who isn't a bad protagonist, but just wasn't what I was hoping for. Such a shame. The villains are... well pretty much all in love with her, which is fine. Except one, but he's pretty uninteresting so far. I'll be honest I kind of started rooting for the main antagonist. He didn't feel like a real villain to me, but more a victim lashing out and trying to survive. Frame the story a bit different and he'd be the main character of a reincarnation revenge story. He seems so lonely, and I honestly wished he wasn't the villain. The story hints at bad things he's done in Mc's past life, but honestly it doesn't do a good job of really showing what he's done. Like I'm the person who says being a victim isn't an excuse to be a psycho, but he just doesn't seem like one. Just a hurt person doing his best to get revenge on an uncaring family who appears to shun him for literally no reason other than bloodline purity bullshit. Or maybe what his mom did. It's not explained very well, so I'm just over here hoping he does succeed in his plans. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You Own My All

Ongoing | 绿野千鹅,普江文学城 | 2019 released
2023-05-27 20:37 marked

This is the story of a Prince who is eventually dies due to the game of thrones played within the imperial family. He reincarnates or goes back to the time after he'd just spent his wedding night with his new husband (referred to as wife in the manhwa), who was bestowed to him by the empress (not his mom). The story refers to interesting political schemes, strife and drama within the story, but hyper-focuses on the main couple and their developing relationship to the detriment of the plot. So many interesting conversations and plans and action is all left out for the sake of a lukewarm love affair that has some fluff, but isn't quite portrayed well enough to be worth it. That is to say the art is bad at conveying movement and expression to a certain extent. It's more detailed then some art on here, but it's got some pretty bad weaknesses. For some reason I cannot fathom, the chibis frequently used in this art style feel overly used and I dislike them. The translation is passable, but you can tell as you're reading that certain words are used wrong, and there's enough grammar mistakes. If you're going to have a plot this interesting, it would be nice to actually commit and spend some time on it. You can have both, just make sure to strike a balance and for the love of good things, stop cutting stuff out, it makes me wonder if there's pages missing!


Ongoing | 정재한 | 2019 released
2023-07-08 09:44 marked

This is the story of a girl who in order to take care of her sisters, dresses as a man (I don't really know how it's convincing, but sure) to peddle candy by day and steal from the rich to give to the poor by night. There's no mention of her father, but her mother was killed some time ago, and our MC is trying hard to find the culprit and get revenge. During her investigation she meets a number of people including the male lead and the second male lead. She ends up investigating drug trade. The romance is there, but thankfully doesn't get in the way of the mystery plot, although the quasi love triangle annoys me. The story is interesting and the characters are engaging. The translation seems good, and the art is fantastic, though it does not help with MC's disguise when trying to look like a man. I honestly just don't get how anyone (ESPECIALLY OTHER WOMEN) could ever mistake her for a man. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ Her disguise is essentially men's clothes + hat. Like this is C-drama levels of bad.

I Shall Live As a Prince

Ongoing | Kusa , 구사,Kim Tae-Hyung | 2019 released
2023-07-26 11:28 marked

Some dude falls asleep and wakes up as a grand prince in olden times korea. His new brother is the king and also the worst tyrant (apparently) in korean history. Dude tries to prevent rebellions and massacres so that he can stay prince, be with his hot wife and live a life free of responsibility. This was a wonderful action-packed story! There's the usual isekai staples of using modern day knowledge to better or invent things in the historical setting. Was loads of fun following the main character on his various antics. Cried at some of the more dramatic bits, and really love the brotherly love on display, even though there nearly wasn't enough of it to satisfy me. Would definitely recommend reading this and getting stuck into the story! It's also finished, so no having to wait for updates either! The art is good, the backgrounds and layout of the panels flows well, and the translation is overall good, though there are some extra words/letters here and there and some slight awkward phrases.

I Picked Up the Second Male Lead After the Ending

Ongoing | Jongso,Hwang Do Tol, 정서,정서 | 2000 released
2023-07-28 12:58 marked

Ok. This is the story of some girl who finds herself reincarnated into the world of a novel she likes as a princess of a nation who barely has anything to do with the main plot. Said main plot is over and the two romantic leads are married and enjoying their "happily ever after". Girl wants to go for the "second male lead", not because she's in love, but because she's a fan and wants to make him happy, as he got his fool ass banished to some godforsaken, cold-ass duchy. He's this girl's fave character, and gosh darn it, she wants to make him happy! By attempting to get him to marry her. I dunno, being his friend would probably have been enough, but no, the dumb mc thinks going straight to marriage is the thing she wants, but somehow doesn't think about what marrying him would mean for their relationship. Now the story is sort of compelling, so it will keep you reading but unfortunately the plot isn't thought out well and as such, mc comes off as a 12 year old child. To be fair ages are never mentioned so I don't know her true age, but I was under the impression that mc before reincarnation was out of high school. So Mc is pretty sweet and nice, and just ripe for getting exploited in a toxic relationship, cause she's pretty naive and easily manipulated. She's not exactly unlikable in my opinion, so the fact she's an idiot isn't bad necessarily. Except the whole reason she likes the ml is because she's an idiot. I don't think mc and ml are going to develop a toxic relationship mind, m just seems like the kind of person who would fall for the Nigerian prince email scams... -Spoilers- The second male lead is exiled as he is, not because the original ml (hiss half brother) was being mean. It's because he couldn't take "no" for an answer from the original female lead. He fought his brother in order to fight for his love. A love that had already been rejected. And I HATE that the mc makes him out to be some tragic hero, because he wasn't. He brought that shit on himself, put his brother in a position where he almost had to execute family, and almost made the love of his life bear witness. What in the fuck did he think was going to happen if he won? That his lady love would suddenly not love his brother anymore and swoon into her arms, like "Ooooh! The fact you don't respect my feelings or decisions and tried to kill the man I love is soooo sexy! Take me now!" I am SO sick of stories that make two of the romantic love triangle fight each other and ignore all input from the person who's opinion and feelings matter the most. Dude is a villain, not some tragic hero. He didn't step aside to let the love of his life be happy, he actively tried to destroy her happiness, and selfishly demoted her to an object to be fought over and won. Fuck that shit. He deserves to have been sent as far from the happy couple as possible, and should thank his lucky stars he wasn't executed as he should have been for the treason. MC knows all this about him, which is why I call her an idiot. -End of Spoilers- The art is not to my taste. It's rather simple looking, though I do like the coloring style. It's not bad, just has aspects I don't really like, particularly the women. They seem to all look like children. The translation starts off fine, and then takes a nose dive incomprehensible, comes back up to barely understandable and then fine again. Aaand then it's just shit for waaay too many chapters. It rather tired me out and was a major contributing factor to me dropping this. I wouldn't recommend wasting your time on this, even if the plot appeals to you, the translation will make sure to kill your enjoyment of the story dead.