Zihvuda's manga / #Webtoon(24)

Mr. 100% Perfect

Complete | Hoben | 2000 released

A café worker meets and dates a man who frequents his café, the man appears perfect and as time goes on it's clear he appears so because he hides a lot about himself. The café worker eventually breaks up with him and quits his job to start over somewhere new. He joins a cleaning service through which he meets his now thoroughly miserable ex. Neither can seem to stay away from the other. This story also contains a meeting and get-together of another couple, which has a relationship somehow much healthier than the first couple's, but both are interesting for their own reasons. Like some other commenters, I did end up preferring the second couple with the "bad boy" top. This is a shame because it is also in part due to how completely the author shifts the focus from the first couple to the second for a rather large portion of the story. To the point where the first couple kind of disappears. There's also a lot of... coincidences? I'm not sure that's the right word, but it wont come to me right now. Either way, the plot starts feeling a bit shaky because of these coincidences, and if you think too much about them it can affect your enjoyment of the story somewhat. Fortunately the characters and their related drama is engaging enough that one can ignore this, at least i could. The fluff is sweet and really nice, but I do find myself having a lot of problems with the first couple, or mainly the original "Mr. Perfect" of the story. His issues are sort of touched upon, but not enough and his behavior makes me really uncomfortable, even if his partner dismisses it. I may be overly sensitive due to the course on domestic abuse I'm currently taking, but like... he leaves bruises on his partner... his partner doesn't enjoy it and has wanted him to stop. He sort of says it, during sex, but it gets ignored, and I don't remember him bringing it up to Mr. Perfect again outside of sex. And that is a problem... a kind of loose end I don't think ever gets properly resolved. Later on towards the end there is a scene of non-con. I'd call it sexual assault even, but despite the partner fainting at the end of it, and scaring the shit out of Mr. Perfect (for very good reason), it's not treated with the gravitas it should have. The story ended on a sweet lovely note, but I remain worried despite that, because of just how many bruises the partner suffers. It also makes it more uncomfortable, because the partner doesn't seem to see this behavior as a problem after an apology, something that is very VERY real in cases of domestic violence. It's starts off small and escalates and I felt like that's what I was witnessing with the first couple. Mr. Perfect needs SO MUCH therapy. Like he badly needs it, and his lover isn't the thing that will fix him. The realism of the abuse in here hits too close, and it feels a little irresponsible of the author to just sweep it away with a blanket happy ending like that. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad the first couple is happy together. I want to see them together. I'm glad the partner is so good with de-escalating things that could have turned bad with how obsessive and possessive Mr. Perfect sometimes gets. However I feel it would have been better to see Mr. Perfect get more help for his issues and for the story to at least mention that he's using other methods to work on himself. A lover cannot and should not be the "fix", not in a story that gets this close to real. *Ahem* sorry for the rant, anyway the rest of the story is good and I would recommend it. Just... not to people who could be affected by the stuff described above. Like many yaoi manga, there's a few instances of attempted sexual assault or outright attempted rape by antagonists. Oh!! ALSO there's attempted suicide, it's not graphic and is immediately thwarted. It is a thing that happens though, so it's important to mention. Despite my complaints and problems with this comic, the ending still had me smiling, so make of that what you will.

Reality Quest

Ongoing | lee joo-woon,taeseong | 2019 released

A high schooler dies after bullies force him to play games for a weeks straight in order to mine for rare items (Thanks for the predatory gambling games industry!). He gets sent back to a week before his death, but with a game system window that slowly lets him unlock skills but also gives him quests he doesn't initially want to do. The system inflicts terrible punishment if he abandons or tries to refuse a quest, so he's pretty much forced into it, and life doesn't seem that much better at first, just different. It gets better though. I like the story, but at the same time it has a lot of flaws. It's a fun read so I recommend it for that alone, but if you like to think about the stuff you consume, even a little, you'll start to maybe enjoy this a little less. There's some weird stuff that isn't explained, the girls are kinda drawn weird, and it seems this is borderline harem as there's quite a few girls interested in MC. The villains are all one note, and while entertaining the fights scene progression reaches superhuman levels without anyone actually being superhuman. Except for MC that is. The bully council bothers me. We don't find out why it's a thing, and MC just... stays in it, even though he hates bullies? And so far he only fights bullies (plus a few adult criminals), but I still don't understand why he stays cause he's still ostensibly part of the system. There's some interesting mystery regarding the death of MC's father as well as the identity of the system administrator. The art is pretty good, though yeah, the girls are a bit weird... like they've been stretched to make their ass and thighs thicker, but still having a thigh gap somehow. It's very weird. Most of the guys don't look like the high schoolers they supposedly are either. The translation seems to be ok, the english is above average for this site. Which is to say it's good. All in all I do recommend giving this a go and seeing what you think for yourself- Even though the mc is a victim of bullying fighting bullies, there isn't any sort of revenge aspect to it at all. It's all just self defence for the most part. Well except for when there's attempted sexual assault on a female character close to MC that is.

2ha/ Dumb Husky and his White Cat Shizun

Ongoing | Author is meat bun doesn't eat meat / 肉包不吃肉 | 2019 released
2023-07-06 15:33 marked

The art is very pretty, but censors kisses in a terribly distracting way. What's the point making this a comic if the art isn't allowed to illustrate? There's better ways then giant ass word balloons obstructing both their heads. Also the story is annoying. I thought we'd get dude who went back in time training to be stronger, making use of acquired knowledge from the future and slowly uncovering mysteries + misunderstandings. Instead Mc's an idiot who makes no use of future knowledge or cultivation techniques or anything. He's s childish and whiny! Basically reverts back to being a child with no self awareness. His abusive master is abusive, and rather then turning away from him much earlier than he did in his previous life mc just tries to "tease" him and is constantly worrying about him, but without resolving any misunderstandings from the past life. Like at least when wei wuxian came back, he knew his shit and didn't act like a fucking teenager even if he was in the body of one. MC here died as the strongest cultivator at least 10 years or more in the future, but the story shows none of that future knowledge or maturity. It's such a shallow story that apparently wants to be kind of light hearted and comedic, but also wanting to be tragic and taken seriously. It fails at both, which makes me not care. I thought mc would do something interesting with his new life, but there's nothing there. Ugh... absolutely hate "the victim falling in love with their abuser" trope, it's shitty and for how longs it's been a staple of bl stories, it's also been done to death. So uninteresting. I haven't read the novel, but this hasn't given me any reason to go try reading that either. Ugh. Hard pass, don't understand why this is popular, or why this cliche of a plot remains so goddamn popular in bl stories. Don't waste your time on this there's better ways to spend your time. Like watching paint dry.

Duke Pendragon

Ongoing | kim hyungjun,redice studio | 2019 released
2024-02-09 18:03 marked

Ugh, I've checked out a few of this author's other works and none of them so far have been for me. I like the art and the premise of most of this author's stories, but the execution always feels off for me. Here we have an overpowered dude who reincarnates, with girls instantly salivating over him and it feels mediocre rather than the "epicly cool" it's obviously aiming for. Well, it feels too try hard for me anyway. All the women do seem to be useless for anything other then admiring and fawning over protag-man. I don't necessarily want some strong warrior woman up in her, just... I dunno, for all the women not to immediately fall in love after MC treats them contemptuously. Also for them not to be incredibly annoying baggage too. That would be nice. The women characters could be nice baggage instead.