I'll Save this Damn Family!
Interesting series and a serious plus that the fat protagonist stays that way for a good portion of time and many chapters and doesn't immediately lose all her extra weight by, i dunno, breathing different or some bullshit like that! ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧ The story keeps you interested and for once the romance isn't forced, or contrived and cliché, but natural and well crafted. I'll be honest I really disliked the Prince at the beginning to the point I thought him ugly. By chapter 77 I had to go back and see if the art had drastically changed because suddenly i found him more appealing. The art style had changed a bit, but not enough for the discrepancy, so I'm assuming it's because I've come to actually like him, which is nice and great story telling! I liked the coloring, but the art style at the beginning I found a bit iffy, and there was something about it i didn't really like. Pleasingly, it has gotten better, and I no longer have any qualms with it. I like our protagonist, she's smart, learns from her mistakes and is overall kind of believable. Things that bothered me include the way we don't get enough of a feel for who the protagonist was before she reincarnated, we don't really see why she has the skills she does, or what she did with her intellect in her previous life. Also, as with many of these types of stories, she gets used to things too quick. She died somehow and was reincarnated in different era, in a world she read about in a book. She doesn't think of trying to get back, she doesn't seem to miss her old life at all, she just gets on with what she has now and what she has to do immediately with no drama. It's a good thing in a way, because it allows her to actually do some bad ass things and be likeable and all, but at the same time, it just feels like she's accepted everything way too easily and adapts too quickly. There's no grief for the friends/family/significant other she may have lost, and we get to know next to nothing about her previous life. This is a nitpick, and frankly I still liked the story despite all this and many other similar stories handle this about the same way, but it's worth mentioning all the same. I wish these stories would show us a little more of the main characters missing technology, or indoor plumbing or something.
Retsujou PARADOX -Banken ha Yoru Kiba wo Muku-