Zihvuda's manga / #Magic(4)

Talent-Swallowing Magician

Ongoing | bread-eating squirrel , dj gonglyong | 2019 released
2022-12-01 12:48 marked

This is about a little mage boy who comes from a very prestigious family, but who has his talent snuffed out by getting sick with some sort of disease that affects him in no other way except to keep him from using magic. Because of this his family status hits rock bottom, because women don't matter I guess (he has a sister who isn't sick and so can use magic). We don't get to meet the sister directly, and while I don't think this is a bad story, it's not really worthy of the rating it has in my opinion. This story is non-stop action. It is pretty much all action and very little character. This isn't to say the MC is unlikable or boring, but that there isn't enough emotional pay off for the story beats. MC just constantly gets into fights, grows stronger, and in the end it just feels like grinding in video games. Very little plot development happens, and even after 40 chapters of story it still feels like nothing has happened plot wise and that we are *still* doing prep work for the story to begin. MC's interaction with other characters feels empty and superficial even as there are desperate hints that things are deeper. It's a shame, but I do understand the people who dropped this because they got bored... there isn't much to latch on to. The author tries to hit emotional beats during arcs, but just doesn't quite manage, and I can't put my finger on exactly how they mess it up. It just needs... more. The art is pretty good, but also there's a lot of reusing panels and cutting away from action to save on time. There was one panel in particular that irked me, which was one where mc, his best friend and some of his friend's family were sat down having tea, and both mc and his best friend were drawn in the exact same position. It made sense for the best friend because he was leaning on an arm rest, it did not make sense for mc because he didn't have an arm rest and he was right next to his best friend so it looked even more awkward. Also the explanations on magic and stuff is simultaneously too much and also badly explained. Mc supposedly swallows "talent" but when he manages it they don't really explain how he does it, the art doesn't really convey it either. For example if I were to cosplay as the mc and try to "swallow talent" at an anime con it wouldn't work cause I'd have no idea how he actually does it. All in all there's much better stories on this site so I wouldn't really recommend this one. There's too much exposition, the mc's magic system is explained rather badly, his own level and growth is shown badly, the art would be good if it actually illustrated the story better, reused panels less, and the emotional pay off for most of the story beats is insufficient.

The Archmage's Daughter

Ongoing | moon seora,saebyeokae | 2019 released
2024-01-09 12:37 marked

Yeah, a child is abused, finds out the family she's in is not her blood related family, she goes to find her father. Her mom's dead. For some reason her father couldn't raise her, or be there for her at all until she went to find him. Story is fluffy and cute and I like the art, but the translation is trash and a chore to read. Dropped.

Black Haze

Ongoing | Yong Yong , Dydyddl7 | 2012 released
2024-01-16 12:51 marked

This is the story of some kid with a mysterious past and a secret identity. He's an over powered mage and does missions for an organization he's part of, and our story starts with him doing really mundane small missions because his master is trying to hide him from... some people. Said master conspires to send this overly talented and fully fledged mage to magic school without MC's consent on the pretext of "make friends with this bullied kid" mission. I get that I'm not supposed to think about it, but I'm betting our MC would actually be bored to tears in class and be hated by most of the professors. However this is one of those stories that's set in a school, but we never see any actual lessons happen. Unless it's gone wrong and an action scene is to take place. I've read quite a few chapters and have absolutely no earthly idea as to what the various "professors" we've been introduced to teach, or how they teach. Also one (1) faculty member is slightly concerned for bullied kid, but they barely do anything except talk to the kid, and the other teachers are shown to give less than two shits despite being aware of the bullying. Idiotic. The kid's from a ducal family, but no, the professors are pretty useless, gotta send some other kid undercover to solve this shit. The story is pretty compelling (somehow), but the art is... well it gets marginally better, but not the way people in other comments are going on about it. The plot and characterizations also reek of "baby writer's first story". Especially the characterization. The way we're introduced to characters by the trope's the confirm to. The start didn't leave a particular good impression as it was using these tropes without knowing why or how to use them. There's the cool woman who's expressionless and for some reason a teacher at the school, but who's got absolutely no business being around kids. She's supposed to be a little like early Kakashi from naruto, or Aizawa of MHA, someone who's too cool to care, but actually does, and at the end of the day, does a really good job caring for the kids. She's got the too cool to care bit down, but seems to care nothing for anyone else except the princess character. There's the beautiful cool smart girl, her distinction is that she doesn't wear glasses despite being the smart girl character. That's the standard of characterization and while I do otherwise like the story, these aspects detract from my enjoyment somewhat. Especially at the beginning. I'm going to drop this as I've come to my limit I guess, but judging by how highly rated this is, there's quite a few people who do like it. Thus, I'd recommend giving this story a try and seeing how you feel about it for yourself. It's trope-y as fuck, but it can also be fun and heartfelt. The comedy's mostly a miss for me, but it might not be so for you. The art... well it may be the actual deal breaker for most people. ^^;; Also this apparently got dropped by the author and I can see why, so this doesn't have an ending.

The Great Mage Returns After 4000 Years

Ongoing | barnacle,kim deok-yong , redice studio | 2019 released
2024-02-08 07:30 marked

Some powerful mage from the past gets into a fight with a "demigod" and gets sealed away for 4000 years. For reason's as yet unknown he is released upon the suicide of a young bullied mage attending an academy. He reincarna- erm... transmigrates(?) as the child who just committed suicide and decides to continue attending the academy to learn about this new modern world as well as get stronger than he was 4000 years ago to get a rematch with the demigod who sealed him. Not for me. A lot of these stories are male power fantasies and while I usually like them, this is too much for me. <_<;; I'm sure that isn't the case for other people, so I suggest making up your own mind.