Zihvuda's manga / #Fantasy(55)

Song of the Sky Walkers

Ongoing | xia da | 2000 released
2024-04-08 09:29 marked

Special twins are born to the emperor, the mother decides to immediately have the daughter gotten rid of, because of superstition. Pretty soon after some immortal cultivators come and just take the son away to train him. The daughter isn't killed but rather abandoned and is picked up by a wondering warrior who adopts her. The twins share a connection and as their martial arts develop, they end up able to talk to each other in a kind of psychic way when meditating. Thus they learn of each other's existence and help each other. The start was interesting and had me hooked, but then the translation became worse, the panel layout changed and there's an awful lot going on at all times with several different characters. Meaning, there's a lot to keep track of plot wise. If the translation were better, I'd probably have kept up, but no there's too much reading to do in all the panels to want to endure a low quality translation for. It's a real shame, cause the art is wonderful. I think there's elements of the plot that are also not really to my taste, but I'm not altogether certain because of the translation. And really, no-one can blame me for not being able to focus when they're translating teleportation arrays or spells to "warp-drives" like who the fuck isn't going to immediately be taken out of the story from shit like that???

Academy Genius Swordmaster

Ongoing | Seogwando,서관도 | 2022 released
2024-04-16 19:51 marked

MC is a strong swordsman who's pretty much the last warrior standing in the face of an apocalypse brought on by angel like beings. He's heavily wounded and finds his commanding officer, a woman who turns out to have known the about the apocalypse and tried to stopped it three times, dying propped against a rock. The commander failed to stop the apocalypse 3 times and feels MC might do better, so she gives him the ability to restart his life from a young age and try to prevent the apocalypse in her stead. He does so and after reincarnating back to his youth, goes to attend a prestigious academy to gather and train strong allies to join his cause. The beginning had me, but it then lost me a bit when MC is revealed to be even more special than he initially was. It didn't completely lose me mind, but just a bit. I find this story not to be bad or terrible, but it is a little forgettable? I feel it's too mean to put it like that, but at the same time, that's how I feel. I do encourage giving this a read, because it's not bad, and the characters are compelling, even if the plot occasionally is not. The art is pretty good, and the translation is legible. Meaning that so far, no chapters translated by people who don't actually know any english have been uploaded to ruin readership.

Records of the Demonic Path’s Return

Ongoing | | 2022 released
2024-05-27 13:17 marked

The youngest of the demonic cult leader's children decides he's not going to fight to be the next cult learder, instead he eventually leaves the cult to live quietly in seclusion. Unfortunately for him, the new cult leader comes to kill him anyway, and MC dies. He tried his best, died anyway so when he goes back in time to his childhood he decides he's gonna fight and be cult leader. Let's start with the art, it's mid, it's not what i'd term beautiful, or great, but it's not terrible or bad. It's average and a bit generic looking to me, but certainly good enough to illustrate this story. The translation is understandable, but riddled with errors. It's got missing letters here and there, missing words and repetition of dialogue that's just been said (not done for story reasons but as an error). It's really not that great, but it isn't utterly incomprehensible. The plot is pretty cliche at this point. If one is new to martial arts webtoon reincarnation stuff, this story will feel fresh and pretty good. MC has a compelling clear goal, the audience isn't left to guess at why or how he's doing certain things, and all in all it's pretty easy to follow. The plot feels like it's progressing. It's not bad, but at this point having seen so many others of this kind of story, it's pretty generic, but a good enough read. I don't think there's much of a pacing issue, but I'd understand if some thought the time skips were abrupt and moved the story along too quick. The weakness of this work is in it's character interactions. MC helps and trains people, but in the end no-one really has a character arc. Not even MC so far to be honest. He improves his fighting, but he doesn't really grow as a person much. The people he trains are supposed to have their own distinct characters, but other than the initial introductions of these people, we learn nothing else about them, nor do they really do anything other then be good soldiers. These guys all had things they needed to work on and pretty much overcame everything off panel. There's no sense of comradery or anything, even though there really should considering how much they all trained together and shit. We also barely know much about the antagonists other than them being ruthless and dangerous. It's very simple and generic, I'd liken it to popcorn. Not very nutritious, but easy to consume none the less. Also! No romance (up to ch 45 at least), no harem. In case I didn't make it clear, this is one of those child who isn't actually a child is considered a genius prodigy who overcomes his battles with easy strength. Honestly I found this enjoyable enough, but it's also so mid it's hard to even rate. Check it out if you're interested, you may find it boring, but maybe not?

How to Get My Husband on My Side

Ongoing | nyangiwa hyangshinlo , kitty and spices,siru | 2019 released
2024-06-16 16:28 marked

This story will make you feel. It's well written and the character work is really good in this. Cesare is an uncomfortable presence anytime he is brought up, so is the rival lady, but to a lesser extent. The trauma is portrayed pretty realistically and even though so much would be solved if Ruby just opened her mouth, it's incredibly and tragically understandable why she doesn't. The poor thing is so traumatized with 2 lifetimes of abuse. I'm surprised her PTSD hasn't acted up more. The most recent chapters with her creepy brother visiting is so tense for her, and I can't help but wish his bullshit would be caught soon and she'd be helped to get away. I feel for her so much. I love the interactions between the main couple after Isek finally figures out how to show his feelings. He's cold and has no idea about just how traumatized his wife is. Some of the misunderstandings were a bit forced, but It's easy to forgive the further you get in the story. I love their little fluffy interactions, it's so intensely sweet and I constantly crave more. I do understand why people initially shipped Ivan with MC, because honestly he is the only one for a bit who is consistently nice and kind to her out of pretty much everyone. He is the only one with positive interactions with her. Of course that's before Isek's squire is introduced and it's a relief he's there. Honestly if MC had run away with the monsters she'd probably have it much easier, but it's hard to escape when you're so used to being in a cage. I hope the monsters tear Cesare apart at some point. Really interesting story, especially with the wealth of character dynamics and how everyone feels like a person. Would recommend in a heartbeat, so glad I picked this up. Honestly speaking despite my love of overpowered protag isekai stories with no romance, these stories always best them in terms of character work alone. The translation varies, but is good. There's some uploads by people who don't know english, which worries me, as I really really don't want this reading experience to be ruined by those idiots. It's far too good a story to deserve their grubby mits wrecking it. The art, is also very good, exuding personality and being very good at illustrating the story. Also mostly unblemished by stupid scanlator logos or what not. As I said, fully recommend this story, hopefully it's not ruined in future by word salad!

The Reincarnated Assassin Is a Genius Swordsman

Ongoing | Daon Studio,Tess | 2023 released
2024-06-28 04:30 marked

An assassin for a family shakes off the brainwashing employed on him to enslave him and is consequently killed for his trouble. He reincarnates into the family of a powerful king and vows revenge on his previous master by training the very technique that allowed him to break the brainwashing in his previous life. In the first couple of chapters we are consistently told and then reminded that mc used to be the best assassin. This is not shown but it is mentioned many times. He has a loving family which he desperately wants to protect but the story doesn't take the time to really show it other then his mother cheering him on to crawl when he's a baby. MC refers to it as playing with them, because yes, he has the mind of an adult right from being a newborn. =_= I wish they wouldn't do that. It raises too many questions, and also has mc saying things like "pretending to be a baby is so humiliating I'd almost rather die." Also it feels like mc being an assassin is only to sound cool, doesn't seem like the author is gonna actually make him do much assassin craft as he just does the technique he learned in his previous life (a breathing technique or something, you know to cultivate despite this being very european in inspiration) and then thinks about making the family swordsmanship his in order to revenge. >_> so he's basically going to abandon all else it would seem. The art is so far is just a step higher to mid. The translation is alright, though they did say he's 21 when I believe they meant 12. He certainly didn't look like an adult and that confused the HIFL out of me. Anyway, not for me. Seemed rather superficial for such a high rating, the "emotional moments" or that one moment of him stepping into his power do not connect and seem like they were imitated from other stories without the substance to back it up.