Sono Kuchibiru wo Hirake
yes give me more plz,soooo cool,thankz
Raising a Bat
wow so cute,little lol,very,very interesting,so sad it made me cry so hard-n-yes i still want more plz,thankz for your awesome hard work
Genwaku No Kodou
man,man i can't wait for the next few chp,yes i want more, thankz so much for your hard work,plz give me more.thankz,thankz,you so much,wow it still so awesome, super cool
Seishun Hanashinjuu
can't wait to see the nxt chp,loving it,more plz-n- thankz for your awesome hard work
Batsu Game (Conro)
wow-n-i mean wow,now this is really a hot one,this why you are one of my favor Mangaka,super freakin"awesome,nxt 2chp plz,thankz for your hard work
Dancing Colors
so,so,so freakin" awesome, two thumb no way, two hands in the air, even the heat was hot,wow-n-yes i mean wow,thankz,thankz YOU for awesome hard work,so Sweet
Wolf In The House
i love wolfs n these two are so cute,but i love blue, so awesome,more plz,thz for hard work
Black or White
really loving it, so cute-n-freakin" awesome,the Mangaka you are super freakin" awesome, thankz for your hard work