Hyakki Yakoushou
i really love this manga,i wish i could add more tags, cuz this how it was so freakin" cool-n- awesome, thankz so much for awesome hard work, two hands up
Midnight Sun
just when it was gettin" awesomely hot-n-so freakin" cool, i need more plz, no i want plz thankz you so much for your hard,hard work
i need the next chp, soon, thankz for another awesome manga, super freakin" cool, man bizarre,adventure-n- so much more,loving it
Wolf In The House
i love wolfs n these two are so cute,but i love blue, so awesome,more plz,thz for hard work
Suzuki just wants to live life quietly
next chp plz, i need more, just when it was gettin' to awesome, so frickin' cool
A Guy Like You
this is a master piece, make u scream for more now plz, awesome hard work thank you so much, nxt chp plz
#000000 - Ultra Black
very strange need more, but liking it, thz you for awesome hard work, nxt chp plz
No. 6