Tale of the Yellow Dragon
There are some glaring issues with the plot. Namely, were there other emperors before the 27 versions of Dojin? They were saying the cat was an emperor candidate too. And yooseung (yooshin's brother) is the one who got killed in ch1?? I don't understand why yellow dragon would get rid of yooshin's brother. Also don't understand the whole thing about yellow dragon being both the serpent & yooshin since they are pretty much on the same page. I could sort of see where the story plot wanted to go, but the execution wasn't there. The art for the backgrounds was just beautiful though, but the characters themselves looked wonky at times. The one bit of the art that bothered me a lot was Dojin's mouth. In particular how a lot of times it looks like he just has an upper lip + he's perma-frowning. idk, just a petty complaint of mine.
Inso's Law Webtoon