Really liked it - art was good, story was interesting, sexy scenes really sexy. Only thing stopping it from being a favorite is that I didn't feel any heart tugging feels with the romance.
re-read on 12/2021: agree with previous comment. however was annoyed with dong-gyun's character b/c jiwon clearly stated multiple times that he didn't want dong-gyun to fall for him, and then dong-gyun acts like jiwon wronged him when imo he didn't at all. it all worked out nicely though I suppose, but those ch's in the middle were kinda annoying. and if I really want to get picky, jiwon's parents make 0 sense. I truly believe there are no parents that are actually like his are depicted - like literally he wasn't even a bad kid, just not as good as his brother. when the parents even said that he's ugly b/c his hair is curly I was rolling my eyes hard b/c it's clear to literally everyone in the story that jiwon is hot af. but whatevs, we gotta give characters back stories I guess.
BJ alex