Neo Girl
Crappy ending and underdeveloped characters and way too many unanswered questions.
Dear Diary
Pretty good story and the characters were pretty interesting i just wish the ending felt more like a conclusion instead of a beginning.
After re-reading this manga i now feel conflicted. I still think the ending was weak and i still like the manga as a whole but there was some aspects that pissed me off. if i am being honest i didn't like the main character way of thinking (especially when it came to females). i mean, since when does being a female equate to not being able to be successful? Another thing that pissed me off is the fact he never realized heewon's true personality, it was more like he didn't want to know and just keep his image of her alive which makes me wonder if he ever really loved her as we are suppose to believe (how can you love someone if you really don't want to know them?) it seemed more like the feelings people have celebrities- we like them but don't really know them and deep down we don't want to know them because we want to keep on liking the image they present. Lastly, the coupling at the end doesn't realistically seem like relationship that are meant to be forever, especially Jinhoo's relationship. I mean jinhoo stayed with the girl because he felt guilty but but still thought about and loved joohna. And are we to believe that joohna relationship with Taehyun is base on love? Even she said that Jinhoo is her other half and that Heewon was her first true love so where does that leave Taehyun, which part does he have? And she also said that what she loved about him was that who she imagine herself to be if she remained a boy. I just don't believe or see the love coming from her end. It would have been believable to me if she admitted that she was with him because of what he can do for her and i can even accept that (not all relationship are based on love) mainly because i do think they suit each other and are well match when it comes to personalities and aspirations.
Adventure and Trouble Diary
After the 'bodyguard' showed up the story became very predictable