KrB's manga / #rape(9)


Complete | Pyeong an | 2022 released

Soooooo this is impossible for me to rate - I'm fucked up so I like to read messed up relationships sometimes and I liked it as a fucked up relationship but that is just a really messed up now with no way out for MC and the ML is not crazy, he's not even human (like, I believe that in a way he loves the MC, but the same way someone loves a toy that you know is strong enough to never break no matter what you do to it if you're fucked up and violent and a psychopath)

99.99% Lovers

Ongoing | Original: lash,Nanna | 2019 released
2024-08-30 15:04 marked

So this is bullshit, I wanted to put more stars because Haejin had a real logical reaction to things which is very rare for omegas in omegaverse axo relationship but the top is a cunt the first 25/30 chap and then transforms into literally someone else - and the ending is such BULLSHIT (plus it's rushed and some things are gross - first milk drinking - and other don't make sense - like the baby - so mainly it's all BULLSHIT) and the fact that Haejin finally decides that Hwan is a great person and every one is like "Hwan gets the happy ending he deserves" is such a let-down from previous parts of the story where everyone thought - with reason - that Hwan was a fucking piece of shit asshole


Complete | Bakjindeuk | 2022 released
2024-10-23 10:27 marked
Tags: rape

was interesting in the beginning, I thought they would give us some kind of twisted relationship with Ricky but no, this was just trash in the end, tho it does get one thing right: every single man in this story is trash and waaaaaay too easily horny and prone to raping

Devil on the crossroad

Complete | Nangjun | 2000 released
2024-11-22 09:05 marked

it could be good and some parts actually are but their dynamic is bad, and the MC keep getting raped by evil spirits that feed him stuff that make him horny and then he gets slut shamed by ML like nothing is right in this situation and I can't stand it

kiss on the piano

Complete | Rainy Season | 2000 released
2023-04-29 16:40 marked
Tags: rape cute smut

took the first four off chap on lezhin because I can't with those tls - the missing ch 18 too So at first read I put five stars and I wanna club my past self right now because Mo Lahn is such a little shit, he's the trashiest trash and really if Sandeul wasn't so cute I would take more off - I want to say that nevertheless I love the story but it's the typical "author doesn't know anything about consent and therefore writes rape as sex and the bottom likes it so it's okay" and THAT'S SO NOT OKAY OMFG I'M SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW DON'T NORMALISE RAPE

Metropolitan Nepenthes

Ongoing | Lemon | 2022 released
2024-12-17 12:41 marked

This is soooooo bad because the way the characters act make no sense and bottom is just getting raped by his boss and then by the guy who was supposedly in love with him and trying not to hurt him with his powers (and like the second they're "together" he jumps him even when mc says no and goes on and on even though he must know that his powers give him an unfair advantage when it comes to strength and stamina to anyone else) Anyway maybe I'll come back later but I'm not to sure because this made me uncomfortable from the get go and I don't see how I can feel differently (also boring, especially mc's reactions)

Hosik's story

Complete | Nokchae | 2017 released
2025-01-03 16:10 marked
Tags: rape

I held on until chap 23 but it's a reaaaaaaaally bad story, like really bad, the top is a fucking psychopath and the only person that realises it - bottom's best friend - doesn't give enough shits to help him out of this, he's a real pos friend too The only person mentioning rape is MC himself but he's way too naïve and gets charmed by ML to just forget about it Wait, I just saw this: HOW THE FUCK IS THIS 9.2 STARS???????

Omega Slave Capture Report

Ongoing | Majjip | 2022 released
2025-02-19 08:24 marked

It's porn, and I feel bad for the omega who ACTUALLY wanted to be gangbanged, and in the end the omega gets "saved" so I guess it's not as bad as some stuff we got out there haha can't really rate this tho, I could if it was a bit more constructed but this is all for the sake of porn soooooo

Pocket Nᐤ7

Complete | Mu handae | 2022 released
2025-03-09 08:29 marked
Tags: rape porn smut

I would have liked to see more actually and then it could have been a good psychological bl but right now it's just rape porn and it's NOT a good thing