Biting the Tiger
Stopped at chap 33, it's very badly written but the story was interesting enough at first - but the fact that the tiger guy did a 180 and that the story seems to be going on for nothing was the end of me I MAY come back at some point because it WAS interesting but I got bored all the same
Cat's Suit, Dog's Tie
it was boring maybe read later I don't know
Love Gym
Soooo I liked it at the beginning, and I really liked the fact that bottom was honest with top and told him that they shouldn't do this because he was in love with someone else but then top's reaction was bad, I thought he would understand, get stricken but then get back on the horse but no, he forced himself on the bottom and I hated that so I stopped (chap. 10)
Will You Subscribe?
read 6 chapters, it was such a typical trope and soooooo boring so I quit ; maybe I'm just too hung up on the things that I'm currently reading that I can't appreciate other stuff right now so I'll just see
Monetary Love
got bored AGAIN soooo maybe come back later but really I didn't even peek at the ending, that's how much I don't care about it
Sleepless Night
couldn't concentrate, come back later
My Darling Signed In
It had potential but at some point (stopped at chap 22) it started getting boring (and to think that it was better than that other one that I read and was quite bad but I don't remember it's name)
Guilty Affection
I don't like most of the characters and the few (the two really) that are interesting aren't enough to keep me going, I'll put a come back later tag but I don't think it's interesting enough for me to go further
Broken Boy
got bored at chapter 17 BUT it's interesting and I think I just wasn't in the mood
Ordinary Men