Interview with a Murderer
It's quite a good serial killer story - the ending was very thrilling, wouldn't recommend reading it again tho
The Pawn's Revenge
DAMN I LIKE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!! The way Jeho and Seongrok interact is so cute in a really fucked up way and I FUCKING LOVE IT! Update s2 it's SO FREAKING SAD I hope they get a happy ending I don't care about the murders and all I just want them to be happy and far away from all this shit T_T chap 85 things are going better and I think they may set the whole world on fire and escape to a better life yet chap 94 oh how wrong I was, how candid, how naïve... I'm looking forward to Je-oh fucking that woman's life in season 4 but I'm not looking forward to the moment when Seong-rok will wake up without his memories or some shit because it's bound to happen T-T anyway, I'm hyped for season for and I hope side couple becomes a real couple and the rich guy helps them to redeem himself to his boo <3
Blind Play - go look for 2 last chap on lezhin So this is veeeeeeeeeeeeeeery fucked up - and the ending fits the story but it was quite non satisfactory in the way that I wished some ppl could actually have a happy ending (like maybe just let Myeong Jun be happy with his detective???) so I took a star out, but I guess that's just my preference and this was actually pretty fitting to the story as a whole Edit end - nothing more to say, I guess I did like the end and at the same time it left me wanting ; whatever, it's done now
Double Trap
I really loved reading this, it was really good but it's been so long I'll reserve my judgement for when I read this again
Soooooo this is impossible for me to rate - I'm fucked up so I like to read messed up relationships sometimes and I liked it as a fucked up relationship but that is just a really messed up now with no way out for MC and the ML is not crazy, he's not even human (like, I believe that in a way he loves the MC, but the same way someone loves a toy that you know is strong enough to never break no matter what you do to it if you're fucked up and violent and a psychopath)
Soooo I reread it, and I got pretty shocked at the two rape scenes (once Eunsung, once Soohyun) b/c I didn't quite remember those parts but still I don't want to take stars away b/c I like it so much, their dynamic and the fact that they're in love with each other even if they use any and every word except for this one I think I like the fact that even Soohyun misreads his own intentions when Eunsung actually guesses right at where their relationship is going and how if you read between the lines you can see quite clearly how affectionate they quickly become about each other - and also like how caring Eunsung is (once the rape scene is over, I mean...........)
Hogu Hagyeongsu
It's very hard but also a very good story to my mind, tho still very hard read
Killing Stalking
it's fucked up but I love it sooooooo much
Shichatta Aite wa Stalker de Shita.
This is bad and I know this is bad but I kinda like it so I'll read the rest when it gets out ig The ending was rushed whyyyyyyyyy???? I couldn't even enjoy being depraved and liking weird shit T-T
The Tosa's Master