Make Way for Your Vicious Queen!
last read ch 31 raw ch 143
The Wicked Queen
ch 00 dropping this.. the guy is total trash.. read the raws anf spoiler summary already and still boring.. if ever id encounter this if it was completed i would like to read the final chapter only. the story makes no sense and the reasoning for their behavior is also un acceptable.. this just makes no sense,... not reading this anymore.. i already read the story summary in novel updates spoiler.. and they end up together.. like this story is too hurtfull and toxic.. eww and yuck raw
Where the Wind Stays
ch 00
Unscrupuous Consort: the Evil Dotor
Heaven Official's Blessing
The Italian's Christmas Child Christmas with a Tycoon
Prince Bastard’s Parenting Book
ch 30 raw ch 43-74...113-121
Rebirth Of The Great God
ch 1 raw ch 51
Father, I don't Want this Marriage
ch 20 raw ch 13,?toon=%EC%9D%BC%EB%B0%98%EC%9B%B9%ED%88%B0+%EB%82%98+%EC%9D%B4+%EA%B2%B0%ED%98%BC+%EC%95%88+%ED%95%A0%EB%9E%98%EC%9A%94
The Song of Theodor