shit its gooooddddddddddd
i havent read anything in a while kase gawa nga ng busy sa acads but this is a good comeback man
they met in a game and this guy heejae suddenly just spawned in and basically malled our mc's character, breaking his clan that he built up with irl money and time and effort so now hes pissed
he made a new acc a few yrs later after swearing not to play the game again and the story of their interactions unfolds into this untold romance
ang cute lang ng dynamic nila kase d ko inexpect na even without proper communication they can still understand each other and as usual i love plots where another person fills the void that is somehow missing to the other one
the story is really good and cute ng makulit na ml and mabilis na mainis na mc HAHAHAH cute lang and this was a nice re introduction for me dito again sa reading lovette
Netkama Punch!!!