Boruto: Two Blue Vortex
Kamigami No Itadaki
Why do we climb the impossible peaks? Because they're there. No one knows if Mallory & Irvine were the first to reach the summit of Everest, but that doesn't stop the future generations from attempting the same thing themselves, and dying in the process. There's always something even higher than the highest peak, waiting to be conquered.
Ayashi no Ceres
One of the worst things written by Yuu Watase. She must be off her rocker thinking this is one of her masterpieces. She thinks she's subverted the romance trope and made the series mature and difficult to understand or a conversation-starter... Please, get over yourself. It's none of those and the scientific stuff was so wishy-washy and unnecessary. She needs to get off her high horse, seeing as she can't write proper romance for shit.
Ayeshah's Secret