Sincerely: i Became a Duke’s Maid
The art is truly beautiful, and the first half of the story really tugged at the heartstrings and made me cry. However, the male lead aged too fast to bring him to a romance-able age for the female lead, and now it's slowly getting boring. That's why I docked a star off. These types of webtoons always focus on ageing the protagonists too fast to get to the "juicy" romance, but it's a turnoff for me. I like a slow burn. Update: It just sucks now. Please kill it off quickly. Even the art quality dropped a lot from the beginning. Also the translations are not good.
I don't want to be Empress!
The art is ok, not the best art I've seen. I like the male lead slowly falling for the female lead, but I don't like how the original heroine is turning evil. A lot of villain isekai ends up with the hero becoming the villain and vice versa, so I thought this webtoon would break the trend because it wasn't like that in the beginning, but unfortunately it seems to fail my expectations.
Feng Qi Cang Lan
The female protagonist is so BOSS and can pwn everyone she comes across haha. I liked how the author made her fall back down and struggle again, but she easily overcomes her obstacles. There isn't really much character development, but I love its humor and watching the female lead's ridiculous antics.
Goddess Creation System
This is on par with Feng Qi Cang Lan, although I would say the art in GCS is better. The two webtoons share a very strong female protagonist, who can accomplish anything they put their minds to. Unlike FQCL, GCS's lead hasn't struggled or fallen down yet. The story goes downhill after the Desert King arc though. The author seems to be trying to mix things up so her missions are different, but honestly, watching her make guys fall for her was the best part of the webtoon. The Venice arc was utterly garbage, and I thought the lead suddenly changed in personality. She's back to playing mind games with two guys in the Ghost arc but it's just not the same as before. Hopefully, the author finds their groove back to make this exciting and interesting again. Docking off a star due to the declining quality of recent chapters. Ugh, the cultivation arc is by far the worst arc yet, please go back to a simpler set-up.
Shen Yi Di Nu
Another strong female lead such as found in Feng Qi Cang Lan and Goddess Creation System, but this female lead is actually in love with a male lead, unlike the other two webtoons. This is a detriment to me, since I don't believe that strong females necessarily need a male to back them up, and this female lead is probably the strongest out of the three females from the three webtoons. She's smart, cunning, and well-versed in medical and martial arts. But she still always needs to be saved by her male lead... The story has a lot of inappropriate content, so may not be for everyone. Also, everyone talks A LOT. Literally, there's more speech bubbles than there is art. The art is great, it reminds me of watercolor paintings. Not something to read in one sitting.
Akuma de Sourou
It's a really bad romance manga, overly long and draggy. The manga could have been cut in half or 2/3 and it would be about the same, since not much happens. The female lead is super annoying and unlikeable, I really detested her. The male lead is very ugly and also unlikeable. I didn't see why I should even care what happens to them. Actually I wished they had more bad things happen to them so I would care a little more about their supposed forbidden relationship. It's supposed to be incest but it's really not, since the two of them are not blood related in any way so I don't consider that incest. Just because their parents got married doesn't prevent them from getting married, which is what happens in the end anyway, like it was a huge surprise... The art is horrific in the beginning but slowly improves with time, but it's not worth sticking to till the end.
Restraining order of Ant
I'm so conflicted about this webtoon. The art is one of the best I've seen, but the plot is one of the worst. It's like someone took a trip while high and starting writing about their visions. Nothing makes sense and it ends abruptly. Such a waste of good art. Thankfully, the sequel is a little bit better.
Oiran Girl
The art is great, and the story is sugary sweet, maybe even a bit too sweet. It reminds me of Skip Beat, but with oirans instead of actresses. I find it implausible that no one even knew the male lead was a guy dressed as a woman besides the main cast. Some things made no sense plot-wise, but it's a short humorous romantic romp, so I won't be too critical of it.
The Abandoned Empress