July's manga / #Full Color BL(72)

Where the Wind Stays

Complete | Yusa | 2000 released

I really like Yusa-sensei's works. This new one looks very promising, with a lot of supernatural elements, where the male love interest is a cursed crown prince that can control evil spirits and the male lead is a rare individual who can see evil spirits. The art is fantastic, but the redness of everyone's lips bothers me a bit. Yusa-sensei is great at developing proper romantic storylines, so I'm eagerly waiting to see how this develops.


Complete | Brothers Without a Tomorrow | 2000 released
2022-03-02 16:01 marked

I appreciate it being uncensored, it looks very clean overall in early chapters. Art is alright, but I realized this author draws all the men the same. These two male leads look almost exactly like the ones in Blood Link. There's no story at all yet, just lots of smut in each chapter. Not sure what they're going for here since there's so little to read. It's a little bit better than most BL webtoons out there, but not by much. Update: Nevermind, everything gets worse with each chapter. The plot is nonsensical, something about the rich guy sleeping with a random dude so to get revenge on his father for cheating on his mother which lead to her suicide, and the gangster guy is love with a dead guy. I don't even know. The chapters are too dark in the recent ones with the new translator, and no longer uncensored.

Broken Boy

Complete | Doya , DUNDUN , Rieul | 2019 released
2020-10-08 00:50 marked

Art is quite good, it gives a 1900's feel. Premise is male lead is in a complicated family where he's abused by his father, and he wants to bring him down by becoming a male prostitute. The man who solicits him has a grudge against the male lead's older half brother, so they join forces and have lots of sex. Convoluted plot shenanigans abound. The best part is the art, but I'm not too fond of the other stuff. It's just not compelling to read, since it's hard to sympathize with these characters.

I Offer My Neck to You

Ongoing | 云中,白梦社 | 2019 released
2020-10-12 19:38 marked

The art is not good, it uses blurry and faded lines which make it look washed out in a bad way. The proportions of body to head look wrong. Story is about a vampire raising a werewolf child, but plot twist is that the vampire killed his father. It looks unpromising. I would have been more interested to know how the vampire raised the kid, but nope, it skips straight to young adulthood so the BL can happen. Bleh. Not very inspiring to say the least. Also makes no sense he doesn't recall his father's killer's face.

I was Reborn as the Villainess' Father and I Need XXX to Survive!?

Ongoing | cocoon production | 2000 released
2020-10-14 15:01 marked

Uhhhhhh. This is really bad. The art is poor -- the coloring and heavy solid lines are extremely unappealing to look at. The body proportions are off. People walk around half-naked or naked like it's normal, for fan service purposes, even when the drawings are atrocious and no one wants to see such abnormally drawn muscular bodies (except the rabid fangirls/boys). Anatomically speaking, more is not always better. There's a limit on how muscular a guy's body should be. Also, it's not realistic that every guy is that muscular. Unless I guess this is bara. Does it even make sense that a mage is that muscular, even more muscular than the knights and the kings? You do know that mages fight with magic and not with physical strength right? Anyway, the male lead is a passive idiot and he just goes along with everything. Not to mention he's acting completely out of character for his supposedly evil king persona, yet no one questions it. People seem to forget that he's a king sometimes, including himself. He doesn't even speak like royalty, he uses informal language. You know he's doing a bad job when his daughter sounds more like royalty than him. Even the young prince of the other kingdom sounds more formal. Also, I don't know which country would just call the King by his first name, people would always address royalty without names, since it's a title. You don't say King Kenneth directly to his face. Ugh. Also Kenneth is a terrible name. Vicar is not a name, it's a position in the church. Sigh. So awful.

Rix Vanus

Ongoing | Chanseong | 2000 released
2020-10-14 23:59 marked

Yeah, I'm not a fan of this webtoon. The art is not my taste, although I can see that it might appeal other people. It's overly simple and uses a faded palate of colors, that are pretty limited in scope. Lines are opened like they're leaking onto other objects. It's almost like a watercolor style but it's not drawn with the details of good watercolor style drawings, and lacks the bolder lines to complete the figures and objects. The plot is non-existent. A really strong prince is cursed to feel sexual pleasures every night, but he can be helped by having sex with a divine beast man. Sigh. The characters are not likeable and lack depth. The divine beast man is like a child so it bothers me to see them doing adult things, even if they're aware of what they're doing. He's also really stupid and it gets on my nerves. It's not "cute" or "adorable" to not know things and fail at learning them quickly. That's just being stupid and not adapting easily to the human world. I've read stories where non-human adapt and learn much quicker than this. The prince is supposed to be a badass but he's really not, he's so passive and weak and being a tsundere for no reason. Also I hate how they always don't communicate and that leads to "plot" or lack thereof. It's bad story writing to use forced misunderstandings constantly to advance. Like nothing else can happen? Such as external forces or internal struggles? Hating oneself for something like "Oh, I killed a bunch of people, so I don't deserve happiness" is not a valid point, especially the way it's done here. That's the same plot line that the webtoon "Truthfully, They Only Remembered Her" uses and it sucks there too. It's one thing to actually show the killing and follow the emotional turmoil after in detail, but it's another to just skip the killing and tell the readers about it. What happened to show, don't tell? It also bothers me how the prince looks so feminine with his clothes on and so masculine with his clothes off. I think that's poor drawing skills at play here, since if you know any anatomy, that's not remotely possible. That's just stupid fanservice at work. Yeah, skip this if you like good stories. If you just like sex, it sucks too since it's doubly censored with light sabers and occlusion, which makes no sense to me.

Reamed on Livestream -Forced to Climax Live Online!! [VertiComix]

Ongoing | Merino | 2019 released
2020-10-20 04:50 marked

Blackmail x Stockholm Syndrome BL. It's utter crap, both the plot and the smut. The male lead is pathetic and weak, and falls for the abusive male love interest, despite the latter not showing any form of affection towards him. There's a weird livestream angle about this to make this kinky or something, but it just doesn't work. They're underage (still in school) and they film everything without censoring their faces. Basically, in real life, these two people would probably get kidnapped and sold to sexual slavery or something, since it's easy to identify someone based on facial recognition. Plus, their viewers know their names. Also, I have no idea why they talk so much while streaming, since everything they say can be heard by the viewers, obviously. And they talk A LOT. Saying things probably no one wants to know or should hear if they're keeping up the pretense that it's consensual. I'm surprised the police haven't busted them down. Another thing, the laptop camera is only pointed in one direction and there's no freaking way that it can capture everything they're doing from such perfect angles. It's a little insulting that the artist thinks their readers are so dumb that they wouldn't notice that inconsistency and impossibility of what is happening. Honestly, they shouldn't even have used a livestream plot since it's not possible in the way they're using it, and it brings nothing to the table to make it interesting. The art is average, but the smut is so boring, I was just skimming to finish reading. Avoid.

Cherry Blossoms After Winter

Complete | Bamwoo | 2000 released
2022-03-02 15:51 marked

This BL webtoon was only good for maybe the first 20ish chapters. After that, it went downhill really quickly. It was more of a pure boy's love and then degraded into shameless smut starting from Season 3. But even before that, the main problem of this webtoon is that the male lead and his love interest have barely any issues or conflicts at all. Nothing much happens once the two of them get together. Everyone is miraculously supportive of them and they don't ever get challenged or encounter obstacles. It's so boring. Also, a lot of the pretend obstacles that were set up get quickly knocked down in the most unsatisfying and anticlimactic manner, which made it so pointless to read. An absolute waste of panels. I don't come to care for any of the characters because they have no growth at all. The male lead is whiny and always worrying, while his love interest is super perfect and rich. They completely lack depth, and the story could have gone in a better direction to demonstrate growth and maturity. Instead, they're basically the same from Season 1, except now they're together and not avoiding each other (as much). I had a higher rating for this until Season 3 hit, when the author just went with sex every chapter. The only reason why I liked this initially was that I appreciated it taking its time with their somewhat boring romance instead of jumping straight to shameless smut like all the other BLs out there, but nope. It appears the author was simply on a leash for the first two seasons and now she's raging hard without restraints anymore. Basically, this devolved into the generic mass of BL webtoons that are plentiful and un-unique out there. Shame. Additionally, the art is lackluster and dull. It's not offensive, but it's very plain Jane in terms of art style and presence. Not memorable in any way.

Falling (Yun) Webtoon

Ongoing | Yun | 2019 released
2020-10-28 02:32 marked

Art is horrifically bad. I was completely tricked by the cover art shown here. None of the actual art in the webtoon looks as good as the art for the cover. It's a total downgrade, with complete lack of details in almost every single panel, and very lazy art and coloring. Plot is non-existent, besides some eye patched dude picked up a half dog human, who he promptly abuses because the hybrid human looks exactly like his former lover who had stabbed him in the eye. I hate all the characters and I don't want them to exist at all. They're all either malicious or stupid. Ugh. Avoid.

Eastern Palace Prisoner

Ongoing | liu yao, jimeng wenhua | 2019 released
2020-10-28 04:51 marked

I don't really like this webtoon. I had pretty high expectations, and this just fell flat as I was reading. The art is pretty decent, so that's a plus. Problem is, most of the characters look the same, since so far, there are only men introduced. Basically, you have to rely on the clothes to tell who is who. The plot is dumb. There's too many names being thrown around, and as you know, Chinese names are so hard to differentiate because you can't tell what is a place, person, or thing, if there's no background explanation, let alone remember it later, when it's brought up again. All I got was these two male characters were friends, but the white clothes guy forgot about their promise, and the black clothes guy went to war to bring him back to his country. The white clothes guy hates the black clothes guy, because he's a complete jerk. They're both royalty from different countries/kingdoms. The white clothes guy is the most inefficient and stupid ruler I've ever seen, but that's probably just to advance the ridiculous plot faster. He also acts super weak and girly, letting the black clothes guy pull him this way and that like a puppet. It's a bit disgusting to watch happen, because it's all so undignified. Although the art was fine, the paneling is somewhat poor, so it doesn't help the story progress smoothly either.