End season 2. The mc bro death after being host for almuten that trying to root his body outside the gate. Mc and commander seems love each other telling each other dont dissappear basically 40-54 the cat almost fuck yugeon then he got kudnapped to mazaroth almuten had no idea the purpose but alot of guides were there. Team erewon conlme to save our uke. Saved the commandeer the blond jealouse because he know they almost fuck. Now with the cat eat breakfast together with the cat. And almuten out in died esper james who leader of guides kidnaped case from the central. Eat our uke brother and now out roaming around 36-39 yungeon had sex with 5 guys damnn, the cat fuck cum his ass the blond fuck his mouth taein the deputy going to try had sex with him too after refusing all guiding from the past the sycopath teasing our guide n cum in his ass last guy the blond pink guy also fuck n cum in yugeon uke ass mixed with 3 other guy cum lol nasty 35 dang they are so sweet to be honest protecting our guide yugeon 25 had sex then on mission again 23 guide aka healer for the esper Ml become guide for 4 powerful esper Daang it said not a love story Just like killing stalking damnn i liket it yes!!
Resetting Lady
62 raymond memories back in school with zios who had died from poison keep remind him to not under evan thumb and use every chance to get out then meet marquees fenrir give him corrupt file record about evan 52 -61 caryme tell raymond the ml he will be back in 3 days the enperor just want to test out the new weapon while also killing the duke family. Then the crown prince caryme ex lover want to sleep with the daughter lol what a joke. Glad raymon came in time thanks to the mini crown prince, telling his dad the crown pirnce also to let caryme go. Raymond also just came back from his mission turnout the meat for him is poisonous sios ate it then the pastor caryme childhood save him, while in there raymond visit the pastor/priest/father to ask question related to caryme and confirmed by raymond the pastor only want to protect caryme.. wow Now flashback to raymond childhood, where both his parents dead due to ilness his brother survived but half of body like zombie wile managing that he do negotiation with the evan verdick they trying to sell the pandemic land but raymond snitch on his bro telling the evan to do not buy the land, (61) 51 invited by crown prince and the ml go to war 48 karen said she will hv everything she is had not in 100 years 47 40-45 wot de fokk, so Dulan the ML I guess So ML FL also stuck in time looping or what?