Rei-san's manga / #Royalty(100)

Suddenly Became a Princess One Day

Complete | Plutus,Spoon , 스푼 | 2018 released

every chapter is masterpiece <33333 truthfully, i can't find word to describe this webtoon. it'f full of first rate humor and sad scenes at one chapter for nearly most chapters. also, be careful when you read this again , it made you throw up and cry multiple times until you became sick. what's more, you truly became obsessed with the story you even dreamed a heart crushing dream.......... note: 1- every character is beautiful, it's unbelievable{ especially: Claude <<<3333333} 2- season 1 end at chapter 46 where Claude lose his memories in order to save athansia true comments: 1- No! No! No! You can't just end season 1 like that!!! Dx That is a heart stab, table flipping, puppy kicking, tail breaking, stop light of a tear jerking move to just end it like that! Dammit I need to freaking know how they'll fix this mess!!! Lucas you darn magician make your way back stat! Forget the fruit! D8< Σ(っ°Д °;)っ╧╧ I freaking love this comment. Sadly Lucas seems has no idea what had happened to our baby. ಥ_ಥ Let's flip our shit together. 2- IS THE WISH A PORTRAIT OF THEM TOGETHER OR WHAT IF IT IS IM GOING TO CRY...even more than I already am 3- Yeah, I need Claude to be my daddy too. *drools all over*. 4- IF HE REALLY DOES FORGET ABOUT HER, MY HEART WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO HANDLE IT. I WILL KILL EACH AND EVERYONE IN THE BOOK EXCEPT FOR ATHY. I WILL DO IT. HE CAN'T FORGET HER. HE. JUST. CAN'T. 5- Lowkey wanna see diana and claude's story like how they fell in love but I think if I do get the full story it will just make me even sadder cuz I know how it ends for diana... spoilers: 1- MAJOR SPOILERS! You have been warned. So her dad truly does forget her, and ends up treating her as he did in her first life. It gets so bad that Athy ends up leaving the house, and attends magic school. There she meets another love interest and has this whole anime-style arc where she's learning magic, and amazing people cause she has a real talen for it. She gets a reputation for being a good magician (this goes on for a long time) Meanwhile back at the mansion, things are tense between the dad and the staff because he ran his daughter out the house and he doesn't care. At this point Jennette has entered the palace and things are going the way of the original story - except Athy isn't there. The dad is suffering he paints Athy and dreams of her, and he just can't understand why. At some point Lucas comes back to the palace - with tree branch he went looking for. He finds out what happens and hits the dad in the face - giving him his memories back. But the dad gets the memories of his previous life when he killed Athy. So he feels really guilty about it. But you find out that Jennette was an unknowing participant in the dad's brother's evil plan. He basically cursed her that the closer Jennette came to the dad, the sicker he wold become and the brother would get stronger. But in this world - he put that curse on Athy first, to push her out of the palace (Also Jennette is the dad's daughter - the brother is her father-she doesn't know this though). Anyway somehow the dad get's his "new" memories back, where he's enjoying life with Athy, and sends people out to go find her to bring her back. He manages to lift whatever curse was on Jennette - and kill the brother. Athy comes back to the palace and she and the girl become "true" sisters. 2- Btw how does athy end up with!? She ends up with Lucas :D

Kiss Me Princess

Complete | seyoung kim | 2000 released

soooooo many quotes in this manhwa!! also, it get's pretty interesting in the middle. specifically after nicole and jed get together true comments: 1- I just wanna say this whole story has an incredible development from the beginning till the end (except from that last page, it just ruined the whole feeling -.-') Heartwarming, original, with the right amount of fantasy (Shahi's tribe matter), with the right amount of drama (!) and of course with a beautiful and healthy main romance. I REALLY liked it: sometimes I was thrilled, sometimes I screamed (when Nicole gets poisoned the first time), I also cried A LOT (at the end of Shahi's and Derek's -unhealthy- relationship or at the several times Shahi wonders why his mother doesn't love him) and in the end I was pleased with it despite the missing chapters, the last page and the shortness of my fave couple (June and Alchemist princess). So keep up with the good work Seyoung-seonsaeng-nim!!! ♡♡ (≧∀≦) 2- I wish the story was longer for prince June and the scientist princess (don't know her name). They are such a cute couple.

My Darling is English Gentleman

Complete | ARAYA Miki | 2008 released

regret not reading it sooner haha! ^o^ true comments: 1- even the horse are gay 2- Alexander knows what it's like to be the third wheel. I loved it. Yeeeeesss Poor Alexander 3- I just feel a bit sorry for that horse but it was funny 4- This was surprisingly good and hot on it's own way. I think one of the best interracial yaoi manga that I've read 5- ALEXANDER!! HANG IN THERE!!! 6- This manga is really refreshing!!! I wish there was a sequel to this manga

The Abandoned Empress

Complete | Ina, yuna | 2000 released

i would accept ANYONE to be the partner of artsina EXECPT THE PRINCE! he's the WORST character i have ever encountered till this day!! frankly, i'm rooting for sir carisein ( red haired boy ) after excluding allindes ( green haired boy ) who didn't believe tia. note: it's a damn tragedy story at the beginning when tia's father showed her concern for the first time then ended up being killed TT^TT ( tia's father is absolutely my favorite character!! <333333333333333 ) true cooments: 1- Prince: Why are you making that face in front of me? My ideal version of Tia: Because I resent you. I resent you so much that I wouldn't mind burning up in hell as long as I can drag you with me. 2- You just have to re-read the first 10 chapters and you know.... (He has to have a HUGE and I mean GIGANTIC character development in order to be forgiven...otherwise I'd be dissappointed from Tia) 3-(╯°Д °)╯╧╧ slap that foolish mf with blueberry head on the face . ヽ(`Д´)ノ Pfft- Blueberry head xD 4- Now i know This prince like a girl acts hard-to-get No wonder he was fallen for jieun ( she didnt love him at first ) and despise tia cause being transparent about her feelings ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ 5- Guys it’s impossible she should literally not end up with the prince again like that’s some bullshit that’s some domestic abuser-abusee shit right there. Yes we’re back in time and the prince isn’t like that (yet?) and none of those events have occurred but like he’s abused her, raped her, like caused her to have a miscarriage, killed her dad then killed her!!!!?! There is no redemption for that because she has fuckjng PTSD from It trauma like that easily doesn’t go away. 6- I'm not taking Allen's side but let's be real guys, if you were in Allen's shoe you would also think the same as him. Just saying tho 7- me to the green boy after chapter 42 8- I think I'm the only one who ships Tia to the Red Hair Kid, I mean dude he's not your ideal man but he's cute and can make Tia happy ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ GO RED KID! GO SEXY SEXY LOVE (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ 9- How to be a creepy dad Step 1 learn to make this face ^^^^^^^^^ learn to make this face (⊙…⊙ ) 10- Finally some time with Carsein. And to everyone saying the prince is fine mmmm but would u want to be with someone who's capable of being that fucked up. He raped her (as well as cheated on the person he claimed to really love) in a public space (from what I rmr) she ended up pregnant and he did nothing when she was suffering and lost the kid (tbh i don't rmr anything about her other life than how shitty they both were to her). It doesn't matter if he doesn't have feelings for her this time but the fact that hes capable to do that to ANYONE is a problem. He "loved" the new girl from last time too. Did it make him better? Oh he's changed blahblah bruh I wouldn't want to look at someone who did that to me. It's not a dream it happened and I would not give that person another chance who knows what he may end up doing. 11- seriously, i live for the adorable love between tia and her household. the knights, maids, and her pops doting on her is the cutest fucking thing. also, allen is 100% gonna turn out to be a conniving snake and istg if the prince and tia somehow get together i will actually scream. he's an immature brat. he didn't give a shit about her miscarraige and had the audacity to make her go on her hands and knees and lick his shoe to beg for her father's forgiveness before telling her her dad's fucking dead. like fuck you, doesn't matter if you're bitter or jealous that tia was praised more than you. i hate him 12- i just wanna see the dad again and i also wanna see more of red :'D 13- tbh i dont rly mind who tia ends up together with among the three boys. allen seems shady but hasnt actually gone against her as of now / hes been by her side all this time. although him no believing her seems to have caused some damage the prince hasnt done anything remotely bad in this life. i can totally understand why tia is terrified of him and would rather avoid him altogether but i see him as a different character than his past life hA.. and the redhaired is my favorite even though i dont remember his name LMAO The best part of this story though, is the focus on her relationship with her father and the people of her house. If i had to choose tia's future i'd rather her stay in the house than marry one of the boys. I'll probably enjoy whatever route the author decides to go with as long as it is convincing. Ahahaha Carsein best boy And I agree I love her relationship with her father and people now. 14- Carsein is an idiot but i like him better than the twoヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~, since he gives the lightness this manga desperately (or manhwa??) needs (●'◡'●)ノ...its getting a bit too heavy now~ 15- I don't think villainess reincarnations focus on these kinds of things enough. The mass psychological damage that they experienced after being killed by the person that they loved... the stress and desperation to stay far away from them... and the lingering painful words cannot always be erased with new memories. anyways, she can't truly heal her invisible wounds until MR. DICK PRINCE SHAPES THE FUCK UP AND CONSOLS HER WITH PATIENCE AND COMPASSION INSTEAD OF INTIMIDATION AND THREATS. Exactly!!!! Actually, Allen is doing this, but we're not satisfied with him because he's clearly just using her And the prince really does need to shape up. Otherwise, the readers will just hate him for all eternity. This manga will be known as "the one that triggered everyone who read it" True true. Although Allen and Tia are friends, I can't shake this ominous feeling of him. It's like he's always calculating every situation and bending them for his own benefit. Ah.. the prince is seriously on a whole new level on my hate list. I hope he matures nicely soon so this tension between him and the readers soon blows off ( ̄∇ ̄") Allen is definitely doing this. On chap 50, he says this: "Yes, this is fine. We can start over. And this time, it will be perfect." It's not really something you say when you just made up with a friend. Not to mention, maybe the author didn't do this on purpose, but Allen is in a dark room, and there's no genuine feeling in this smile when he reads the letter. This kinda gives the reader the feeling of uneasiness and fakeness from Allen. Sorry, my inner theorist just popped out ( ̄∇ ̄")(≧∀≦) no need to apologize! i love the theory, especially that dark room. It represents how his true self it actually hidden beneath his words! I honestly feel like he's a hidden sadist (⊙…⊙ ) 16- he needed to shout at Tia? If he wants to take care of Tia, why you need to be rude, potato head? And She needs to change her mentality, attitude and focus in her new life (?). Then KICKS Jieun’s ass and all this fUcKiNg people. (Except her dad and Carsein). Allendis is sweet and little bit psycho, I want to re-re-retract his behavior . 17- Owhh my poor ipad. Im so sorryyy for punching you.. That prince.. 2 word. FUCK OFF!!!!! 18- This is why I'm forever on Team Papa Me too and I feel so sorry for her!(╥﹏╥) in the following chapters you are going to love him more (≧∀≦) best Charakter ever ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~ I'm here too. 19- I really hate the prince more then anything the shit I want tia to either end up with carsein or allendis with a happy ending 20- AND JUST LIKE THAT ALL THE RAGE COMES SURGING BACK TO ME WOW JUST WOW SO, HE DID ALL OF THAT HORRIBLE SHIT BECAUSE HE WAS FUCKING JEALOUS??? (AND I THINK HE ALSO MISINTERPRETED FEELINGS OF LOVE FOR HATRED OR SOME SHIT) DAAAAAAAAAAMN I HATE HIM SO MUUUUUUUUUUUCH!!!!!!!!!!! (past self is who I'm talking about, still uncertain about present self) 21- You know though If we're thinking long term, Carsein is probably going to be the hot, dedicated, protective, serious and mature knight at the rate he's growing as a character. Just thinking about it makes me have brighter hopes for future. Way better than the prince, who'll still look like a prepubescent boy when he's fricking 20+ 22- Gonna wipe from my mind how aggravating watching the prince is And just say Honestly, papa is best boi. Casein is also nice, but papa is just high freaking quality. (not that I ship incest) HA if weed were truly her friend, or even potential bf, that's how he should responded. 23- the prince asks himself what tia thinks of him and as if he would do something that terrible but the reality is that all those horrible things he doubts he would, HE DID THEM ALREADY. He was an asshole, is an asshole, and will always be an asshole. Reading this chapter got me so mad. All he does is scheme and plan without thought for others. Selfish, disgusting. He would make an awful monarch and king. Side note...I don't know why but I increasingly dislike his aide. Every time I see him pop up I just want to skip over the page. His aide is also annoying and disgusting. Stop doubting out Tia and putting her in a bad light on purpose just to relieve you selfish and useless prince 24- You know the only way i can be satisfied with tia to end up with the prince is if the prince from the past life has something awful happen to him something worse then death. That is only when I will be fine with Tia to end up with the present prince. 25- SHIPPING OLYMPICS!!! (observations) [I'm still here for papa and the reader's reactions] They're all terrible, I wish there was a platonic papa ship/ no route. I gotta say tho, looking at the comments below, the author has done a great job with the male choices, since it divided the readers apart (which I think is good in a writer's pov) xD there isn't a truly good one since they all have flaws. well don't mind me, I'm just gonna post the progress chart of my observings, since this is fun to watch: Beginning/ Early chapters: (united hate for the prince_ 1) Papa (+ knights) [Adorable moments] 2) Allendis [kind friend] 3) Carsein [annoying, but still alright] 4) Prince [kill him!!!] 0) Overall, Allendis was a kind childhood friend, and the best choice at this point. Carsein and Prince treats mc as trash. Papa is awesome! Development 1: (everyone except papa is trash) 1) PAPA! [this ship is too strong!] 2) Carsein [he has now become an annoying type of tsundere] 2) Allendis [gah- he is looking a bit shady] 4) Prince [do we still kill him?? he isn't too bad in this life] 0) Overall, the readers hit a bump and grew to dislike allendis, but hey he is still better than the prince, right? Carsein is in the neutral stage. Papa is waayy ahead in the leaderboard tho Development 1.5: (broken ships = present) 1) PAPA!!! [HE IS THE BEST!!!] 2) Carsein [ahhh he is pretty adorable now. Just needs to be a bit more aggressive and take tia ,:3] 3) Prince [we all know he is end game, and he is pretty alright now. Past self still a douche, but current self is... alright and pitiful? Well it seems that the old scar still hurts some people tho] 3) Allendis [oof, lots of ppl reeaally didn't like this weed's shadiness, but a few do?] 0) Overall, Carsein's popularity grew, Prince's unpopularity lessened, Allendis' popularity is steadily decreasing, and papa is still on top!! Personally, Idc who she ends up with anymore, all I care about is that tia and her papa remain happy T^T so I guess i'm pretty neutral with all the male leads ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ let's see how this goes I’m glad you pointed this out. As much as I HATE the past prince, he is the past. With all the changes just made in rías new timeline, what’s so hard to believe this prince is different. Still love papa tho. As long they both happy I’m happy (=・ω・=) 26- please stop i dont wanna feel sympathy for the prince he doesn't deserve it Um, sir, u actually HAD done all those shitty things.if not for tia who had... yaoifreak June 14, 2019 11:47 am Um, sir, u actually HAD done all those shitty things.if not for tia who had changed, the past would have repeated itself! 4 reply 22 1 Arcana June 14, 2019 12:14 pm imagine someone telling you them that they saw the future and you did hella bad things. i would find it hard to believe too + probably believe them to be crazy - reply Sachiko June 14, 2019 12:29 pm imagine someone telling you them that they saw the future and you did hella bad things. i would find it hard to believe too + probably believe them to be crazy Arcana So? Her father believed her. The letters weren't left out on purpose for him to discover and he knows that. So what other explanation for her behavior would there be, other than that this is not made up? I'm actually disliking him more now since he's acting just like he did when he KNEW she was afraid of him but pinned the blame on her for acting impertinent. Hate his gross @$$. + reply Arcana June 14, 2019 12:42 pm So? Her father believed her. The letters weren't left out on purpose for him to discover and he knows that. So what other explanation for her behavior would there be, other than that this is not made up? I'm ac... Sachiko The father has a much closer relationship to his daughter, so that can hardly be a comparsion. A chick that is supposed to be your wife, but you hardly know her, tells you that you murdered her and her baby and youre gonna believe her? As a 13 year old or something, however old he is, youre gonna believe her? I would think shes crazy and blame her too. + reply Egglette June 14, 2019 4:58 pm imagine someone telling you them that they saw the future and you did hella bad things. i would find it hard to believe too + probably believe them to be crazy Arcana That’ll be great if he DOES think she’s crazy. Hopefully he’ll be like ‘oooh imma stay away from this weirdo’ at least. It’ll be a happier ending for lil Tia (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ + reply Oh, father!! Father!!! How nice to have someone w/o any prejudice even to o... LukaKaname June 14, 2019 11:38 am Oh, father!! Father!!! How nice to have someone w/o any prejudice even to our silliness True trust and care to somebody we also trust and care - 0 reply 13 0 Just LEAVE HER ALONE damn prince!!! That betrayal is to harsh to be easily forgiven cookiepookie June 14, 2019 2:49 pm I don't care if he's good or not now. JUST go away!! I don't want to see him. After what happened it's too hard for me to see him in another light (treating her like a shit, forcing her, killing her baby then killing her only family- father and finally her just because he was feeling like it) (︶︿︶)=凸 go to hell damn jerk. The author is so insensitive to put them back together like nothing happened. Also that makes me dislike the finale for the heroine for not having any self-esteem after what she has gone through AND I'M NOT SAYING SHE ISN'T LOVELY(to be clear)but I'm yet to see what's going to happen so the author better make me reconsider everything by giving me the best plot ever written as to why I should like the prince at all ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ otherwise I'll draw my own version for those like me(and yes I can) - 4 reply 6 9 Sachiko June 14, 2019 12:33 pm If you dislike the heroine for that then you actually love the prince for what he's done, since he's the reason she has low self esteem. Also, low self esteem is irrelevant to whether she gets involved with him again or not. - reply cookiepookie June 14, 2019 2:32 pm If you dislike the heroine for that then you actually love the prince for what he's done, since he's the reason she has low self esteem. Also, low self esteem is irrelevant to whether she gets involved with him... Sachiko No logic in your words. He has done something so horrible and author still will get them back together. The heroine must stupid then. I see no logic in your words saying I like the prince after I wrote that I fucking hate him. He very much irritates me, okay + reply cookiepookie June 14, 2019 2:34 pm If you dislike the heroine for that then you actually love the prince for what he's done, since he's the reason she has low self esteem. Also, low self esteem is irrelevant to whether she gets involved with him... Sachiko Would be so much better if she thought "He is a jerk. I deserve better" + reply cookiepookie June 14, 2019 2:53 pm If you dislike the heroine for that then you actually love the prince for what he's done, since he's the reason she has low self esteem. Also, low self esteem is irrelevant to whether she gets involved with him... Sachiko But if course no! He is a prince! She must be with him whatever happened! (sarcasm) I don't like the very idea for being "forgive everything" person only because he's a main character + reply That dad is the MVP. These kinds of shoujos usually have nice dads, but he... kthp June 14, 2019 11:23 am That dad is the MVP. These kinds of shoujos usually have nice dads, but he is AMAZING. Who needs boys when that’s your father?! 0 reply 20 0 Father of the year 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。 Forgot my password June 14, 2019 11:21 am Father of the year 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。 I always love to see fandoms burn It's beautiful when a beloved character shows that He's a complete jerk/psycho And it's even more beautiful when you already knew or had a hunch about it. I was patiently wainting for this day, mocking everyone saying "Allen x Aristia for ever! he's the best husband", just waiting... And the comment box today didn't disappoint me at all hahaha

La Dolce Vita di Adelaide

Complete | Chae habin,Suho, kim bomi | 2000 released

true comments: 1- The sister of the aide: I hope she doesn't turn into someone evil. Because so far, I like her. I really hope so 2- Two dolls ,Wahh they'll be perfect best friends ahahaha. They're both pretty, spunky and witty. I can't wait to see how their friendship will grow~ 3- Friendship, Yep they are already best friends And I have a feeling everyone who goes against this duo will regret their own very existence ( ̄∇ ̄") 4- Aw poor duke, being left out of the fun (≧∀≦) 5- Is so nice that see a strong female lead who is also cute, strong & knows how to be playful and flirt a little bit 6- Susan get your act togheter, you're in your late twenties like StOp. 7- Susan stop being a bitch and move on with your life. Lower your fucking standards Susan. We can't all marry a hot looking guy who's also a rich duke. And younger ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Yeah she's such a thot... Already 30 pretending to be teen :V i almost hurl urgh 8-When the hell is she going to tell everyone that Susan is in her 30s It's starting to really annoy me #-.-) Ikr. It’s extra annoying watching a grown ass woman throw a temper tantrum. Technically, people aren't all that mature at 30. In fact, maturity has naught to do with age. It all varies from person to person. She can well throw a tantrum because that's in character for her. Sigh. Well said my friend, well said 9- Ohhh susan If only i could lay my hands on her neck , i would wring it without pain until she breaths no more(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 Without pain for whom? If it’s for her then you are quite the kind heart (▰˘◡˘▰) 10- lol, The prince has this amazing talent of blending into the background, it's so remarkable no one even notices him For a flashy prince like him, it is quit the unexpected skill fufufu

Stravaganza - Isai no Hime

Ongoing | TOMI Akihito | 2000 released

the badass queen is my love who i without doubt will serve if she was real, i absolutely adore her with kuku ( the kloud who died by her after he got poisoned and turned to monster...) , too many characters were likable <333 ( especially Rio who looks identical to gintoki from gintama but longer hair ) after many sacrifices of great characters and shedding painful tears, the end was truly one of a kind. it was too wonderfully beautiful it rendered me speechless leaving an only sound of applause in the air and tears of happiness... THIS IS TRULY A MASTERPIECE OF A STORY SHOWING HOPE, FRIENDSHIP, LIFE & DEATH AND FINALLY VALUES & MORALS true comment: everyone think this is just like snk can just go home bc there nothing like it 1st yes there is a wall .U can find a wall anywhere in history there will always be a dawn wall snk knows for it super high wall that come out of no where this manga I'm so positive the wall it legit human make and it is logic un like snk 2nd protagonist is not a whinny useless little bitch like eren this manga got a FKING badass Queen sorry to disappoint all u basic weed 3rd yes there r giant not titan yes it all the same thing but snk likes to go all fancy and called them titan no giant is the nice friendly ppl that appear on later part of the story not just bam titan here to invaded ur ass and eat ur shit i rest my point sorry my grammar is bad

Survive as the Hero's Wife

Ongoing | nokki (녹끼),abin (아빈) | 2000 released

i thought i will be another typical princess story. it surprised me to know that the princess married at the age of 12 and want a '' peaceful divorce " true comment: 1- oof this is getting quite complicated. Technically, his suspicions are correct, Canaria is a puppet for the queen. While she has her own motives and does genuinely care for Cesar and his success, I don't think her actions will be so easily be overlooked. I think she's going to pay a hefty price for this "betrayal" when she's eventually found out (and I do think she'll be exposed--whether it's by his right hand man or the queen) It probably won't be death, I mean hopefully it won't considering how much Cesar cares for her, but an exile maybe? a broken engagement? Who knows, these are just my theories. I really do like Canaria though, so I hope my comment doesn't come off as me cheering for her punishment (if there are any to come). She's a very refreshing character, and I love the little moral dilemmas she faces in each chapter. Really looking forward to reading more!! 2- I swear he is the most handsome character I've ever see ( ceaser ). Btw, who's crying? Cuz i am. This chapter is emotional (or is it just me?) >>> in chapter 20 3- When noah talked about preference Me: ︵( .o.) ....... ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ >>>>>( in chapter 21) totally didn't consider it and forgot about it 4- The Emperor Besides the emperor acting like an asshole and a two faced cunt, you gotta admit that he aged like fiiiiine wiiiine 5- I love them all... Can I just marry them all?? They're all adorable... Canaria, Ceasar, Grace and Noah, also green hair guy and Grace's brother are pretty damn spicy... I can't they're all so pretty and cool. 6- ya KNOW our main female lead is smart and witty and suuuper smart in other matters but when it comes to love or empathizing with others shes a long gone case It's usualy the case with straight forward and smart people. So it's not surprising me. Because her personality is like that I think she assume people will more or less be straight forward about this kind of things with her 7- The thing about canaria is... she still thinks in a reader's POV. she wanted cesar to have a good ending, with the fL. She doesn't think much about what cesar thought about her bcoz from her Pov, she is in the villain role and she needs to be just good so she can survive. she doesn't even try to seduce cesar, all this time shes looking at cesar like how we adore our favourite male lead in manga/novel etc.. 8- I praise this manga for it's ability to make me drool over both the men and women!!! funny comments: 1- idol knights, Those dazzling knights remind me of uta-pri in that get-up. They should start dancing and screaming 'starish' in that ball lol. 2- I wonder how much zen is being paid to act here lmao BEST COMMENT 3- Me reading it before my lecture starts: Hmm, aw they are so cute Caesar: No, dont go! *holds onto her dress with a puppy face* My heart: *Flatlines* Help! I need a defibrillator! I've just been shot by a cannon of Feels!!! Me: *Screaming in silence, unable to leave the lecture* spoiler: For those frustrated by the lack of communication and all the misunderstandings, SPOILER everything gets cleared up by chapter 42 and Canaria and she decides to work with Gracie to make Ceasar king without having to leave his side like the next chapter Thank you. But in 42? Woow so many chapters with this misunderstanding are waiting for us ( ̄へ ̄ Thank you (๑•ㅂ•)و

Why are you doing this, my Duke!? Webtoon

Ongoing | 반달반지 | 2000 released

not a reincarnation but still funny and enjoyable true comments: 1- Hahahahaha Chapter 19 got me laughing like a lunatic (≧∀≦) 2- he's so jelly of himself(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ 3- I love this webtoon, the relationship between the two is adorable. Erin is a crybaby character but in a cute, usagi type way. she’s still strong willed and quite bold in her actions. Like yall need to learn there are ways to write women other than badass warrior types. The duke is a temperamental hunk I love him . It’s so cute how he’s falling deeper and deeper for Erin and supports and cares for her in his angry tsundere way. So yeah summary this webtoon is really really cute lol. 4- it's so funny how the maids react to her obsession with cleaning, "hide the brooms" im dead

Empress of Another World

Complete | Lim Seo-rim,LEE Young You | 2015 released

it's an impressive realistic relationship development featuring two (maybe 3 if empress dawger kathylaniyre was included) clever sick yanedere beautiful ( actually one which is luciritous/ luke ) psychos who falls deeply in love <33333 true comment : This story is really dark and the danger is real. I love it that their fondness toward each other is growing slowly, it really feels real here and less sparkly like the other isekai stories. funny true comments which i love : Okay Roberto deserved to get beaten up. But the eye thing... Luke is got a wee bit psycho there I thnk. Honestly... this is Luke we’re talking about... he thought about breaking Bena’s legs and/or killing Bena just to keep her from leaving him. What part of him isn’t a psycho? Yet somehow we love him anyways... Actually, this was a bit mild considering how sick this man is. Honestly I thought that Luke was going to castrate him and leave him hanging in the square with a sign that said "rapist" or "adulterer" and would prepare a scapegoat that conveniently had also been a victim of Roberto or an obsessive fan of Rincey. He could also have left him crippled, he don't need the lower body to write and everyone knows that alcohol and anger lead to all kinds of "accidents". I mean, the only condition is that they need him alive and preferably under his mother's orders as a kind of hostage, right? To leave him miserable and crippled would be perfect for this. Love has softened him, I suppose.

Lady Rose Wants to be a Commoner

Ongoing | koori ame,hidaka nami | 2000 released

very refreshing and interesting heroine <3333 is it bad that i like her little sadist yandere brother jed the most?.... and i kinda started to like merwin san after chapter 8 :) true comments: 1- To be honest I wouldn't want to be a noble either. I mean it's luxurious but I feel like her life right now is more relaxing and fun than fighting verbally, strict posture and gestures etc etc (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 2- It's very unique since the mc wants nothing to do with Nobel life and love. While the 'game' she is in pushes her to have that life. Her ambition might seem 'boring' to many people but it's refreshing, especially since she knows all the routes and everything yet still chose the commoner life. I think it's actually really interesting how things that become obstacles in other's life is actually beneficial to HER goal. It's truly a one man's trash is another's treasure senario lol. So far, I love it <3 ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ Also the comedic aspect is 10/10 3- I've been feeling like this manga is much more dramatic than it needs to be. I sure hope there's a legit good background story that shows why she's being so extra about things 4- Brother Like everyone else is saying, I think the brother showed obsessive qualities towards her (though the extent is debatable and questionable). I mean, even in the panel where she talks about him coming to her house after she moved out and lived alone (in highschool), it shows him with a key in his hand and her extremely shocked. It also seemed like he was already in the entrance, rather than on the threshold? So, instead of "he showed up on my doorstep out of the blue", I get a much more creepy feel of "He made a copy of her house key without her knowledge, and just entered the house one day". And like, if so, WTFFFFF!!!!!?????? Brother, what the heck??? Regardless of whether she was sexually assaulted or not, if this is only a glimpse of how domineering he can be, then No wonder she's traumatized! Σ(っ°Д °;)っ spoiler of the entire story: Spoilers / / / / / / / / / Last Warning / / / / / If you're hoping for a ship with MC then stop right now or just keep dreaming because towards the end she has some feelings for Nick but rejects them since she just wants to live alone by herself. It's funny how the other Male Leads start changing because the story is off the rails now but they have development while the MC stays the same as we see her on Chapter 1 trying to stay alone. Well she achieves her goal at least...? "Power to her"? Oh yes the villain girl always goes to the church to pray for her sins because she feels massive guilt for our MC framing her and becoming a commoner. Eventually they talk and the ex-villain sees that MC wanted to become a commoner, and becomes a good queen.