Kuchi no Naka no Shita
White seme x Asian American uke... set in USA. The white guy randomly became racist in ch3 like wtf????? why are you being so rude to your boyfriend? and then they have sex like bruh
Kiss Shite Yowamushi-kun!
fluffy but boring... pacing is too fast
Accidentally in Love with Him
Otte Otte, Koi O Shite
Their chemistry is seriously lacking... kindness is not love and neither is a good working relationship lolol. The spice is nonexistent between these two. I wish Makoto would get topped by the black-haired guy instead.
Fugai nai Koi
my favourite trope... badly done. masaki > the stupid ass childhood friend who doesn't even apologise for being a manipulative bitch.. and masaki is also better than the uke who's a self-defeatist with no backbone. none of the mc couple are nice characters to follow, incredibly bland.
Yukyu omega