Otodoke Shimasu
Five one shots: 1º : a delivery man receives chocolates from a man whenever he makes a delivery in his house. That man doesn't smile and isn´t friendly towards him but is very friendly and nice to others so the delivery man thinks he is disliked. 2º : two college students start using the cat (one of them is the cat's owner) in order to have more opportunities to meet each other 3º : the only thing that pops up in my mind whenever i read this story is that the bear suit is super cute and that if I was the uke I would die from embarrassment, but it is actually a really sweet story! 4º : In this one shot there are twins and one of them falls in love with his coworker ( the coworker loves him too). So one day when they had been drinking and the coworker get drunk they go to the twins house. When the coworker wakes up the twin that is not in love with him pretends to be the one that is and says that they had done sexual intercourse... 5º : This is a very cute and sweet story and is my favourite!<3 It's about a guy and his big brother's childhood friend. The guy didn´t like his big brother's friend because he was always teasing him taking away his glasses and things like that but now he realises that he was not teasing him but only trying to call his attention because he likes him. The big brother's friend is handsome, gorgeous, sexy and cute! 6º : doctors... I don´t really know what to say about this one... I liked it because it has sexy scenes and the rape part and the drama but I really can´t say anything! 7º : the guy and his mom had an argument because of his job and in result he is expelled by his mom from home. Now the work is not going so well, the only thing that does he endure it is the frequent visits by his friend by whom began to nurture strong feelings. 8º : It is the continuation of the first story.
The Judged