Killing Stalking
To be hosnet this is most fucked up I ever read my whole life and damn this is sad book to read. Plus I want to reread again because this story is actually good and I loved it. Please don't think this is rommace books because it not really rommace it is toxic. Make sure you are well prepared if you gonna cry with emotional scene! Be warmed it very graphic and lot going on this story!
Cocoon of the Heart
To be honest this is very sad, and same time happy ending. I am so beyond thankful they found they wanted and needed time to resolve their reality situation. I fucking cried bro it's masterpiece and made me think lot of reality thought. Begining was hard to read once you get further and further it becoming more sad and happy. You will understand how this is hard get this out no matter how fast it is. Thank for you making beautiful story and I loved it. I learned lot of this book!
Chew and Swallow
This is amazing book I ever read, it's much silmlar to Dark Heven because you are able to read those Point veiw on the characters. Also, you're able to understand what is Chew and Swallow like what it's referring as. I really respect this auother writing took lot of time making this amazing book. I really hated Yohan because the way he did his past Actions. Eveyone has own weakness and strong flaws. Of course we do have own problems. To be honest Minjae is much silmlar to me because I have been his place before but different situations and I was able to understand how he felt like. Thank you for making me read for three hours and you won't regret reading it. Be warmed there most scence is going be hard to read of bloods and rape. Also it's is very emotional too.
Ten Count