My Suha
UGH THIS DUDE CAN'T LEAVE BOTH THEM ALONE! I AM INVESTMENT THIS BOOK Ps. FUCK IT HURTS ME DON'T EVER LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT Update: this is kinda disappointing because its started doing good then suddenly he possessive jealousy and making worse to hurt him.
Trap City
Not bad tho but definitely made really hooked reading this.
Angel Buddy
Damn so interesting book!
Okayy it's funny and it's really good. Um I think the cernoresed ones is too much but I have no problem that coving it. Maybe try using less intense and thank you for uploading it! Love the book!
Dangerous Convenience Store
Very cute and interesting
Too Close
It's made me laugh and made me really interested reading! I aboustly love it! Nooo I having a second of enbassrament NOOO And they are all gay
Dark Heaven
Now I understand what dark Heaven means and this book took me long time to finsh because It was hard to read for me. I wasn't prepared lot of conflict and going on lot things. This is beautiful written and this is definitely my favorite book I ever read!
Love Is An Illusion