How to Hide the Emperor’s Child
istg if she forgives him I’m done with this like bru
My Husband Ascended as the Chosen One
yep all I can say is George is a piece of shit literally abandons the fl and her kid(that dude doesn’t even deserve to be called his father) for 3 years and never contacts them only to come back to use her to raise his position what an asshole
I’m Divorcing My Tyrant Husband
Bro istg she better not end up with the emperors or I’m dropping this, he’s is a fucking asshole as well as the oh fl. I mean I guess trash should belong with other trash. oh wow it looks like that shitty emperor is the ml 4 stars->1 star
Don’T Pick Up What You’Ve Thrown Away
OMG JUsT GEt A DIVORCE ALR OMG I hate it when the mc doesn’t divorce them right away even when their fiancé is a piece of shit who is OBVIOUSLY CHeATING IN THEM like bro istg just hurry up and divorce him and then get with the emperor bc your piece of shit fiancé ain’t gonna change for shit also not him being like “ are you cheating on me” after the mc gets caught by the emperor LIKe THe NERVE OF THiS UGLY ASS BLONDE MF HOw DARE YOU SAY THAT WHeN U LITERALLY GOT SoMe UGLY ASS WOMAN PREGNANT AND BROUGHT HER BACK HOMe U PIECE OF SHIT also if it’s gonna take the mc a long time to break up with him ima start being annoyed at the mc bc she is such an amazing and smart woman but she is gonna be stupid for continuing to think that her fiancé is gonna change lIKE SWEETIE IT AINT HAPPENING DUMP THAT UGLY BLoNDE MF AND GET WITH THAT HANDSOME EMPEROR
The Three Are Living a Married Life