I'm Yours, Blood and Soul
Vamp uke and demon seme meet at night Club without knowing each others intentions, after sex they both reaveal their true forms, are pretty disappointed, demon drinks unknown potion from vamps pocket, turns out it's his old blood and now poor thing can only drink demons blood
K's secret
employee Kim Doyoon, a half vampire that needs sexual energy as his food source, acidentally sends a text to his directer Lee Kangwoo asking to be sex partners. Lee Kangwoo however wants a serious relationship with Doyoon, not understanding why he would want sex from him when he doesn't even like Kangwoo, so he refuses him sex. also for some reason Doyoon couldn't absorb any energy from their first time so he's getting frustrated.
Welcome to the Intimate Night
you could have made so much more out of that ( ´ ー `)
Game (Dodam)
you could have made so much more out of that
Dia Game