honestly ml really ate with that whole argument, mc deserves a reality check and start to actually think what he wants to do in life. I kinda wished that ml actually left mc there so that he regrets and know the consequences of taking everything too lightly. Not even a kid is that irresponsible. Loving ml sm its not like those manhwa where they just let go of ppl deceiving them, so its really great, not sure if the mc even cares abt that because it seems like hes just pretending to not care or just ignore it. Sure ignorance is a bliss but im not too surprise if the ml does leave mc in the end and then mc works toward self improvement and confidence. Well easier said than done but if u surround urself with the right ppl and let urself settle in that environment long enough, u will start to be more confident. I feel like this was made by a male...
ngl mc friend is also like shit, all u could've do is just say, sry im no interested instead of giving the pn to someone completely innocent
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