Roses and Champagne
Ongoing | Zig , fat | 2019 released
2021-10-27 01:51 marked
Are the characters written flawlessly? No. But it's a good story, I guess. I'll wait for it to unfold properly. In my previous comment I had put no-rape and how wrong I was! Rape & romanticizing of rape. Ugh. Yuck. Dropping this.
My Fantasies Are Cumming to Life?!
Ongoing | Dalrim | 2022 released
2024-05-30 04:17 marked
What a goofy character the FL is! Tbh, as a otaku myself & pretty much living in my own head, I relate to her sooo much. Hilarious. I'm only at chp 11 but I love how it's going
Jujutsu Kaisen Dj- Inocuo