Shinju Bl
Sunu Sumu Muriku no Koibito
Save me, Roommate!
c23 decides to wait for him; c24 when he made deal w angel; c25-26 why he feels guilty towards him; c28 his deal w angel; c29 decides to quit saving pple; c32 pic at beach w dead friends’ pics; c33 rescues drowning victim; c36 tells him his wish to not leave a trace; c38 fight about him going behind his back to arrange meeting w Aunt; c40 finally talks to Aunt; c47-48 friend attacked & lil bro injured; c49 nightmare that he forgets him; c51 talks to angel one last time (little sis?)/true wish;
Bye Bye
c5 why he wanted to die; c14 Christmas Eve date; c23 the Han river isn’t beautiful; c28-29 pregnancy/ clear up misunderstandings, sort of; c35 baby stillborn; c38 says goodbye to family at bridge/ML misunderstands and thinks he’s trying to commit suicide again; c39 resolve misunderstanding, he doesn’t want to die anymore, guardrails existence makes him happy; c40 pregnant again;
Waterside Night
c1/29 caught a fish; c19 bro’s bonding; c20; c24 can’t handle being sold; c26-28 heat; c31 lil bro’s an alpha; c33-34 smex; c36 smex; c44 smex; c45 why (worried he’s bored of him); c47 smex; c48 realizes MC isn’t his/something’s diff about the smex; c49 MC realizes he’s grown attached to ML; c50 ML realizes he wants a diff type of relationship w MC, tried to end arrangement but MC freaks out; c51 MC happy ML keeps coming by; c53 rut; c54-56 rut smex (wants him to get pregnant); c57 tells him he loves him but gets rejected; c58 lil bro’s bio dad wants him back; c61 gives lil bro to dad, doesn’t go well; c62 ML has panic attack/tells MC he wanted to mean something to him/MC pregnant?; c64 gets him to admit he wants lol bro back; c68 domestic, going back to work; c69 ML plans to marry MC/MC realizes he might be pregnant; c71 lil bro runs off to find MC; c72-73 Mc panics after he learns lil bro is missing, ML calms him down; c74 finds lil bro; c76 MLconvinces lil bro’s dad to back down/MC & lil bro talk & make up; c77 ML apologizes for everything & MC forgives him; c78 ties up loose ends w lil bro’s dad & neighbor, shy learning ML was planning to be a dad to their kid if they had one; c79 happy; c81 uses wish to tell MC not to die, still traumatized MC will kill himself; c82-84 smex; c93 reunite/ML gets stabbed; c94 ML hospitalized; c95 ML wakes up,MC wants them to talk about their relationship and the debt; c96 make up/MC has a miscarriage & ML can’t forgive himself and says let’s end this; c97 month later, tricks ML to finally see him; c98 drugs ML & won’t let him leave; c99 smex, wants to get pregnant again;
A Tree Without Roots
c8 decides to live on his own not expecting anything from others anymore
Star Na Koi