Omae ha Watashi no Tsuma ni Nare
Stand by me, Darling!
Overall I liked it but then characters made dumb decisions about protecting each other by not telling them anything. Uke’s life was at risk but sis and ML decided not to tell him anything. He literally died in his first life bc of this knowing nothing. So dumb. c8 jealous of whoever MC was on the phone w lol; c12 drunk, kisses ML who takes that as permission; c13-14 smex; c15 morning after; c17-18 car smex; c21 realizes ML thinks he’s dating his sis, clears up misunderstanding; c25 stops himself from smexing MC whose sick only for MC to pull down his pants; c26-27 blow job/smex; c30 ML dreams about past w MC/blond idol trying to start things; c31 ML makes sure blond idol catches them smexing; c33 ML reminded he knew MC as a kid; c34 flashback to their childhood; c36 ML & sis being idiots not telling MC the truth; c38 ML talks about his first love/MC decides to trust him when light falls on them; c40 ML leaks truth about his birth, goes searching for MC who left/MC learns truth ML & sis we’re hiding from him; c41 reunite/accident happens;
How To Skillfully Lose Your 2nd Virginity
Raw: c5 realizes he’s the one who confessed to him before
Taboo Temptations
c9 jerk off together in shower; c10 feels guilty/ML opens door & realizes MC hasn’t touched sis’s things in 5 yrs; c11 MC upset ML cleaned out room of sis’s stuff, ML says he’s going back to UK; c12 make out/stops ML from leaving/ML confesses he likes a guy; c14 ML confesses; c15 ML says he’ll move on if MC sleeps w him; c16-18 smex; c21 smex while ML’s sick/MC reminded ML’s his bro in law & feels guilty; c22 MC goes on blind date; c23 ML sabatoges blind date; c24 tells ML he likes him/caught by parents?; c25 ML accept into graduate school MC teaches at/plan to keep relationship secret till ML graduates; c26 MC & ML talk about him dating someone/smex; c27 gets car windows tinted lol; c37 smex;
My Younger Brother's Friend Can’t Be This Big!
c1 lose virginities together; c9-10 ML’s pov, been in love w MC for yrs; c11 ML confesses everything, even that he’s liked her for yrs, start dating; c13-15 plans date to check off his cliches;
Unmei Tariuru Boku ra no Hanashi