Dangerous Convenience Store
Complete | 945 | 2019 released
2022-05-31 01:29 marked
c9-11 smex; c51 confesses; c67-68 tries to draw a line but fails/smex (so much smex); c69 finally asks why he disappeared for 3 yrs; c70 what he was doing for 3 yrs; c71 reunion from ML’s pov; c74 MC rejects ML; c75 talks to big bro, gains clarity; c76 officially breaks up w ex/goes to ML to finally talk; c77 get back together; c79-80 happy/smex; c81 ML opens up about his neck scar; c83 explore ML’s house, he asks MC to move in; c86 office smex; c87 introduces bro to ML; c88 lighter/marry me
Lifeless Man
Complete | Kimnyeong | 2000 released
2022-06-22 03:19 marked
c21p15; c23p4 acceptance ; c23p9 she’ll see his # soon
Did It Work
Ongoing | Rain | 2019 released
2024-04-28 00:00 marked
s5 test beds; s6 big bro confronts ML;
Boss! It's Not a Massage Parlour
Complete | 분뭉/여누 | 2022 released