I Can See Your Stats!
c34 learns ML is a dragon;
Dragon's First Crush
c19 tells him about bet, fight; c20 confess and date; c21 off screen smex; c22 gets drunk & passes out, Ike notices dragon scales on his face; c23 learns top’s a dragon, realizes uncle killed top’s mom; c24 tells him he wants to be his guardian not his kingdoms; c26 meets top’s dad; c28 serious talk w top’s father; c30 looking for gifts for Ike/cousin afraid of top’s relationship w uke; c31 gifts; c32 4 yrs later, graduation; c34 learns uncle killed top’s mom, leaves wo him; c35 misses top; c36-37 shows him top’s mom’s corpse; c38 king orders all of his dead mom’s things burned leading to him breaking down but top arrives and stops it; c41 gives emperor nightmare; c42 learns top knows uncle killed his mom, finally agrees to work w him; c43-44 reveals dragon form; c45 king’s will gives throne to uke; c46 worried he’ll become like his uncle but top says he won’t let that happen; c48 assassination attempt; c50 lets himself be weak w top; c51-52 mourn mothers, want them to know they’re happy/tops been using magic to make it look like he’s aged, plans to die w uke; Side story: how top’s adopted parents got together & raised him; Extra: afterwards, visit top’s family, top melancholy about diff life spans
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