mmem's manga / #c51-(5)

I Will Become the Hero’s Mother

Ongoing | Elianyang | 2019 released

c25 why he doesn’t a want a child; c27 child must be conceived out of love/rejects divorcing him; c30 learns ML’s mom used to burn his back; c47-48 ML’s abusive childhood/ML’s pov meeting MC, realizes he needs her;

The Rogue Prince Is Secretly an Omega

Ongoing | kkumool, Janghyeon, Seolmyo | 2022 released

c35-37 smex; c39 learns what empress did to MC; c41 ML talks back to MC’s dad; c43-44 what is happiness/guilt over not stopping his mom when he was a child; c50 ML tells king he spent rut w MC;