Dead Mount Death Play
Blood and Love
To Take An Enemy's Heart
c9 learns the full truth; c15 tries to kill himself w poison; c17 revenge doesn’t suit him so he gives up/refuses to kill himself; c19 you’re mine/smex; c20p17 I like you; c31p23 finds out he was sold as a sex slave; c32p22 reunion; c34p6 learns he wasn’t betrayed this time; c34p18 wish they’d started differently/be my lover; c35p12 king’s marriage decided for him; c37p20 you’re mine; c38p12 king learns men can have sex; c40p11/c41p4 side cp; c42p12 worried more for Igen then bro; c43p4 poisoned by treats; c44p5/19 dreams of dead family/Igen does not react well; c45 smex; c45p20 side cp; c46p6 why he won’t go see him; c46p15 side cp; c46p21 Kansan be more worried about his relationship w Igen than his bro; c48p3 won’t let anyone take you away; c48p10 queen mothers plan for king; c48p16 can’t leave him; c49p10/c50p4 side cp; c49p17 side cp?/visiting bro in prison; c51-52p14/p33/p40/p49 why he never told him he loves him/side cp/anxiety/side cp; c53p3 side cp; c53p6 turns out she was his lost sis not a future love interest?; c53p7 side cp; c54 side cp; c55p14 should’ve stayed awake; c56p13 side cp?; c57/c58p15 coma; c59 3 yrs passed when he finally wakes up from coma; c60; c61p19 side cp? got married; c62 side cp; c64p6 you should see other pple lol; c64p22 side cp b
Family Mate
c10-11 past w mom; c54 chooses him over mom; c58 breaks off friendship w friend who likes him; c60 tells Mom she’s being dumb/tells ML he loves him; c61 life afterwards
Hogu Hagyeongsu