No Reason
All that’s stuff from capture to escape is too much for me. Not a fan of gang rape yo. Man ML is totally fine w MC being repeatedly gang raped & hurt. Twisted by childhood. MC unlucky to have caught his interest. Raws: c16 finally stops taking gang rape and kills the mofo raping him, escapes; c20-22 caught & raped by ML; c23-25 ML’s past & obsession w MC; s6 MC gives into ML & stops trying to live a normal life; s7 takes MC to graves of comrades/MC’s flashback begins
Paper Flower
c28 jealousy; c30 realizes MC is in danger, finds him almost dead in a pile of snow; c31-32 MC treated/MC opens eyes for a few seconds then passes out again; c33 MC wakes up & wanders off; c36 learns MC doesn’t remember what happened; c37 MC sucking penis popsicles lol; c39 smex; c41 flashback of child ML; c42 smex; c43 smex, ML trained MC well; c47 MC reveals he’s terrified of being abandoned by ML/ML tells him to die if touched by anyone else then uncomfortable smex happens; c49 smex & ML looks really happy c67 give him to me if your going to treat him like trash;
PLACEBO: Let's Play
c23 jerk off together while MC is drunk & ML isn’t hypnotized; c25-26 truth behind what happened w ML’s high school friend; c28 remembers everything; c30 MC ends hypnosis & makes ML forget everything; c35 smex; c42 bathroom smex; c44 learns MC is dating crush;
A Man Who Can't Say No
rando brought in by bro bc he likes him but he actually treats him well so uke falls for him
Dine With a Vampire